Water and Wastewater Engineering Services: Hydraulic Modeling, Facilities Plan, WRF Improvements, Goodyear, AZ


Tata & Howard provided water and wastewater engineering services associated with the update of existing water and sewer system models using InfoWater and InfoSewer computer programs; review of the impact of proposed developments and proposed extensions to the City’s systems; verification of the hydraulic models for the City of Goodyear’s water distribution and wastewater collection systems. The water model included fire flow testing, C-value tests and calibration of the InfoWater hydraulic model. The wastewater collection system model included installation of six flow monitoring stations in three sub-basins, calibration of the model, development of a cost allocation model, and preparation of a technical report.

Tata & Howard prepared a facilities plan for the Corgett Water Reclamation Facility.  The plan addressed the need for process redundancy and recommended improvements for increased flows and Class A+ effluent.  Provided ongoing support services to address operational needs and to assess the impact of new developments on the system. Provided design, bidding, construction administration, resident observation, and construction services associated with improvements to the Corgett WRF including: filter system, low lift pump station, modifications to the sand filter, and instrumentation upgrades.





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