Dam Rehabilitation, Meriden, CT

Baldwins Pond Dam, Meriden, CT

Baldwins Pond Dam is a stone masonry and earthen embankment dam located on Harbor Brook just upstream of Westfield Road. The dam has a length of about 200 feet and a maximum height of about 17 feet. A concrete gate chamber at the right (looking downstream) end of the spillway provides controls for the 30-inch low level outlet, which discharges through the right training wall. Access to the operator is provided through a hatch in the top of the chamber. The spillway has an overflow length of 85 feet and a stepped concrete apron at the downstream toe. The upstream embankment slope and the area downstream of the apron are protected with riprap. Baldwins Pond has a surface area of 6 acres and a tributary watershed of 8.34 square miles.

The dam was rehabilitated in 1998, designed by Tata & Howard’s Waterbury, CT office.



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