Stormwater Compliance

Tata & Howard continues to be an active participant in implementing federal and state stormwater management programs, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s NPDES Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) program and its Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP):

  • Development and revision of Stormwater Management By-Laws
  • System mapping of storm drain infrastructure using GIS
  • Development of Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Programs
  • Survey and inspection of outfalls, structures, and retention basins
  • Analytical sampling during dry and wet weather conditions
  • Inspection and analytical monitoring at impacted municipal facilities, such as solid waste transfer stations and power generating facilities
  • Assessment of the likely pollutant impact of hydrant flushing activities and other Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges on a system
  • Evaluation of the impact of TMDL and/or Impaired Waters designation on a program
  • Development of Annual Reports for submittal to regulatory agencies

One of the first steps towards achieving compliance with the NPDES programs is an honest evaluation of a community’s existing Stormwater Management program.  Tata & Howard’s approach is to create a unique needs list to allow each community to focus on the most applicable (or high-risk) program components.  This approach maximizes community benefits from limited stormwater dollars.

Our services can include development of detailed educational materials and presentations to Boards of Selectmen, Town Managers, and the public on the regulatory drivers, compliance components, and potential penalties for non-compliance.

Stormwater 101 Infographic

Got stormwater? Our Stormwater 101 infographic provides a general introduction to stormwater, the damage it causes, and how we all can help manage it.

We have worked with numerous communities in Massachusetts to to help them comply with the MS4 Permit. Regular outfall inspections and monitoring are vital for identifying potential illicit discharges, and a strong stormwater ordinance is critical for providing legal authority and a clear process for eliminating those discharges.

Tata & Howard is experienced in both, and has experience completing both dry- and wet-weather outfall inspections. Comprehensive mapping and inspection of stormwater outfalls, catch basins, infrastructure, and Best Management Practices supports an illicit discharge detection program: we provide these services from a number of offices across New England. Our professionals will develop or update Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for highway and public works maintenance garages, water and wastewater treatment plants, transfer stations, and other municipal facilities. We work with our clients to develop public education and outreach materials and events that are effective at reaching their target audiences. We provide training to municipalities to facilitate the transition of inspection and documentation responsibilities to their staff.

NPDES MS4 Annual Report Services

Tata & Howard has assisted numerous Massachusetts municipalities with MS4 Permit compliance.