Water Mains

As the dominant component of a water distribution system, rehabilitation and/or replacement of mains is a regular portion of our workload.  Water mains are the sole means of distributing potable water from the water source to the customer.  They also serve as the primary means of fire protection for residential homes, businesses, schools and other public buildings within a municipality. It is critical that water mains are properly maintained and rehabilitated and/or replaced at the end of their useful life or as required by changes in hydraulics within the water distribution system. The most important element in reinforcing the piping network is to properly size new mains using a calibrated hydraulic computer model. Cost factors are assessed during the evaluation to develop the most efficient solutions to providing adequate inherent flows and pressures.

Tata & Howard provides a full range of services relative to water main design and construction administration services.  We provide full design services including permitting and bidding.  In addition to conventional water main design, our design work has included alternative methods of water main construction including directional drilling and pipe bursting and rehabilitation of existing water main infrastructure including cleaning and cement lining.  Other water main projects have included crossings of wetlands, waterways, bridges, and railroads. During construction, our resident observers provide the client with support from the construction site through the successful completion of the project.

Water Mains for Milford Water Company | MA

Tata & Howard provided design, bidding, construction administration, and resident observation services for water mains for the Milford Water Company.

Lead and Copper Rule Revision

An EPA mandate under section §141.84 of the Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) requires all municipalities to develop and submit for review a lead service line (LSL) inventory plan, including public and private side, by October 16, 2024.

Over time, lead in drinking water builds up in the body, causing damage to the brain, red blood cells, and kidneys. The most significant risk is to young children and pregnant women, as lead in the body can slow the normal mental and physical development of growing bodies.

With the EPA’s October mandate rolling out in 2024, municipalities across America are working on developing or refining an LSL inventory tracking system to quickly identify and replace lead service lines for public and private water connections.

LSL Blogs and News

LSL Projects