CMRSWC Wins Stormwater Award
CMRSWC Wins Stormwater Award
New England Stormwater Collaborative Announces 2014 Stormy Awards
by Janice Moran, NEWEA
April 8, 2015, Worcester, MA—The 2014 Stormy Award winners were announced during New England Water Works Association’s (NEWWA) Annual Meeting on April 1, 2015 in Worcester, MA. Five (5) awards were given to those highlighted ideas or simple, effective ways to boost funding, staff capacity, or political support for stormwater programs.
- Developing Municipal IDDE Partnerships
—Lexington, MA (Department of Public Works – Engineering Division)
- Unique Stormwater Program Funding for Proactive Operations
—City of Bristol, CT
- Regional Collaboration for Enhanced Stormwater Program Efficiency
—Northern Middlesex Stormwater Collaborative, MA
—Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, VT
—Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition, MA*
The New England Stormwater Collaborative was formed in the Fall of 2013 by the New England Water Works Association, New England Water Environment Association and the New England Chapter – American Public Works Association. The Collaborative was developed to engage the stormwater community, provide a forum for information and education exchange, and advocate sound stormwater management practices.
*Tata & Howard has provided engineering services to the Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition since 2009, and the project has been funded by Community Innovation Challenge (CIC) Grants. Of more than 120 applications received in the initial round, this stormwater project was one of few that was fully funded, which demonstrates the importance of the work and the value to the region. This project, which is supported by MassDEP, DCR, Blackstone River Coalition, and many others, is highly regarded in the industry.