Asset Management and CWMP Grant Opportunities from MassDEP


MassDEP has allocated grant funds for Asset Management Plans and Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plans (CWMPs)

Request For Proposals

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MassDEP is soliciting a Request for Proposals (RFP) for planning grants to assist public entities in developing asset management and comprehensive wastewater management plans (CWMPs). It is the intent of MassDEP to award grants of up to $40,000 for completed planning projects that will allow a public entity to outline long-term capital investments for existing infrastructure.

Clean water projects seeking grant funds for Fiscal Sustainability Planning that appear on the 2016 Clean Water Intended Use Plan will receive priority points for grant funding. Due to the need to complete the proposed work by June 30, 2016, public entities will be required to conform to a short time frame for project completion. 

The types of planning projects that have been authorized include the following:

1. Asset Management and Fiscal Sustainability Planning

2. Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning

It is the intent of MassDEP that the preparation of these plans will assist grant recipients in meeting Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Federal Clean Water Act requirements, as well as to prepare public utility systems for budgetary planning for regular evaluative assessments and replacement of water infrastructure system assets. Planning projects have to be complementary to existing infrastructure, not for new infrastructure. The RFP is due on February 26, 2016.  

For more information, or if you require assistance with the RFP, please contact us at 800-366-5760 or


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