A New Year’s Resolution That Has a Big Impact and is Easy to Keep: Save Water!

While many New Year’s resolutions include renewing that old gym membership or cleaning out the garage, a great way to start the new year off right is to focus on conserving water. With severe drought across the country, including New England, water is becoming ever more valuable and people are looking for ways to get the most out of every drop. One of the easiest steps we can take to help mitigate the impacts of drought is conserving water. Unlike most New Year’s resolutions, making a few simple changes to save water is an easy resolution to stick to and it makes a significant difference in the world. Let’s look at a few simple ways you and your community can conserve water.

Ditch Those Old Appliances

Image courtesy of www.localsanfranciscoplumber.com

The average person in the United States uses about 80-100 gallons of water each day. Of that amount, almost all of it comes from appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, toilets, and faucets. Toilets alone account for approximately 27% of the water consumed in your home and many older toilets use up to seven gallons of water per flush. Installing a high-efficiency toilet that uses less than 2 gallons per flush can save up to 18,000 gallons of water a year – about $120 off your water bill annually. And if you really want to go green, and are brave to boot – consider one of these alternative toilets!

Washing machines offer another opportunity to save water year-round. Washing machines, on average, account for around 20% of a household’s water use, and switching to a high-efficiency washing machine can cut that water consumption in half. If one in ten American households were to install high-efficiency appliances, we would save 74 billion gallons of water per year as a nation. That’s an annual savings of about $1.5 billion dollars on utility bills. These appliances may have a higher upfront cost, but when you save 30-75 percent of your water bill each month, these investments quickly pay for themselves.

Water Sense is a partnership program of the EPA and is the standard when it comes to high efficiency faucets and accessories. Image Courtesy of www3.epa.gov

For a more affordable option, updating fixtures such as showerheads and faucets around the house can significantly reduce the amount of water you use. Conventional showerheads use as much as 10 gallons of water per minute. Modern showerheads use just 2-3 gallons per minute, which saves water and minimizes the stress on your water heater. Also, installing faucet aerators can help regulate water pressure to create varying flow rates to use less water depending on the task at hand, saving thousands of gallons annually. Updating your appliances and faucets is the most cost effective solution when it comes to saving water. Combined with simple lifestyle changes, these innovative technologies enable us to save significant amounts of water.

Small Leaks, Big Problems

Although it may look insignificant, a lightly dripping faucet can waste over 20 gallons of water per day. Toilet leaks are another major problem that often go undetected. To check if a toilet might be leaking, place a “toilet dye” tablet in the toilet tank and closely monitor the toilet bowl. If, without flushing, the water in the bowl changes color within half an hour, the toilet has a leak that needs to be repaired. Another way to determine if there is a water leak in your home is to read your house water meter before and after an extended period when no water is being used, like when the family is away on vacation. If the meter does not stay the same, then you have a leak somewhere in your home.

Manage the Meat

Infographic courtesy of www.veganstart.org

Our favorite steak or burger may taste great, but it takes a lot of water to reach the dinner plate.  A pound of beef requires almost 2,500 gallons of water to produce. By avoiding beef for just one day a week, we can save thousands of gallons of water each year. In fact, we would save more water by not eating one pound of beef than we would by not showering for six months. We can save even more by cutting out other foods that require a lot of water to produce such as almonds (1,929 gal/lb.), chocolate (2,061 gal/lb.), pork (1630 gal/lb.), and butter (2,044 gal/lb.). When we do eat beef or other water intensive foods, we should choose pasture raised because grass is less likely to require irrigation compared to corn or soy used in the conventional method of raising livestock. Even cutting out that one extra cup of coffee each day can save hundreds of gallons of water. Being conscious of what we eat is not only good for our health, but also the environment.

To Wrap It Up

When it comes to daily water usage, even the smallest action to save water is significant to combat our country’s severe drought. Paying attention to how you and your family use water in your home will help you come up with the best ways in which your family can make simple changes that can have a big impact. For your New Year’s resolution, think of one thing each day that will save water – even small ideas can add up to big savings, for both our wallet and our planet.

Celebrating the Holidays Through Giving

The Holiday season means many different things for people. Whether it’s getting everyone the perfect gift, spending time with family, or preparing favorite foods for friends, the holidays are a time of giving. Our family here at Tata & Howard takes holiday giving to heart. We understand how important philanthropy is to both our local and global community. For this special time of year, we are looking at some of the most charitable and full-hearted organizations we’ve had the honor to support.

DARE Family Services

T&H’s holiday DARE Giving Tree

Since 1964, DARE Family Services has been committed to improving the lives of children who have been abused or neglected. By providing a family-based setting, they give children the opportunity to recover and live healthy, happy lives. Every holiday season, DARE Family Services reaches out to communities for gift donations to help kids experience a memorable holiday – in many cases, for the first time in their lives. At Tata & Howard, our employee-owners take DARE’s mission to heart and bring gifts to put under our DARE Giving Tree for children in need. Fortunately, we are one of many organizations and individuals who support DARE and their determination to better the lives of disadvantaged and neglected children. They help thousands of kids every year and we thank them for their generosity.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

T&H’s Heidi White raised over $3,000 for DFCI this fall through their “Run Any Race” program.”

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, along with the Jimmy Fund, is home to groundbreaking cancer discoveries. They are one of the greatest examples of a philanthropic organization working for a worthy cause – curing cancer. There are seemingly endless ways Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund raise money and resources to give hope to families affected by cancer, especially during the holidays. Tata & Howard is a proud supporter of Dana-Farber and donated $5,300 towards cancer research this past November, and donated another $1,500 this week in lieu of sending printed holiday cards to clients and friends. Some of our employee-owners are doing their own part to help them out as well. Our Marketing Communications Manager Heidi White participated in their “Run Any Race” program and raised over $3,000 by running Ragnar’s Reach the Beach in New Hampshire this past September. Also, T&H Engineer Molly Coughlin is currently training for the 2017 Boston Marathon to raise money for Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund. Her personal goal is to raise $15,850 and we are all cheering her on. Go Molly!

Water For Peoplepict_grid7

Over 1.8 billion people globally lack access to safe drinking water, and Water For People is looking to change that by committing to provide long-lasting water and sanitation infrastructure for communities in need. They operate in nine countries and have helped over four million people live better lives by providing access to clean water. To make this happen, Water For People works with communities, governments, and business owners to ensure reliable, safe water for future generations. In support of their passion for clean water, many employee-owners at Tata & Howard contribute to Water For People through automatic bi-weekly payroll deductions, which Tata & Howard matches dollar for dollar. In this way, we are able to do our part to realize Water For People’s mission of clean water for everyone, forever.

The Navajo Water Project

This man keeps his water in barrels by his outhouse. Water and sanitation always go hand in hand. About 40% of Navajo don’t have a sink or a toilet at home. Courtesy of navajowaterproject.org.

Speaking of clean water for everyone, the Navajo Water Project is an amazing organization that seeks to solve a little-known water problem. Of the nearly 200,000 Navajo population right here in America, 40% do not have running water – which has created a cycle of poverty that limits health, education, and economic security. As a subsidiary of DIGDEEP and primarily funded through private donors, the Navajo Water Project works with communities in Navajo Nation to install systems that bring running water and electricity into homes. The water is delivered via truck and safely stored in large cisterns, from which it is pumped into a sink and shower inside the home. The organization also installs solar energy systems to power the pumps and lights inside. With their determination and adequate funding, The Navajo Water Project expects to install home water systems in every Navajo home in need by 2018. Since we learned of the plight of the Navajo people in 2015, Tata & Howard has actively supported the Navajo Water Project. In 2017, which is our 25th anniversary year, we are organizing a national virtual 5K to raise money for this incredible organization. Participants will receive a beautiful medal and 100% of the cost of registration will go directly to the Navajo Water Project. Stay tuned for details of this exciting event!

The holiday season is the perfect time to give to others and to help the community, both locally and globally. Even the smallest gesture of generosity helps others in significant ways. And the best gift a person can receive is hope — and that is exactly what DARE Family Services, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, the Navajo Water Project, and Water for People are all about. We here at Tata & Howard encourage everyone to give to someone in need and celebrate generosity this holiday season. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

T&H Celebrates the Holidays!

T&H’s annual holiday celebration was held on Tuesday, December 20, and it was a big success with food, gifts, and some fun competition. We were excited to have several fellow employee-owners from our satellite offices join us for the holiday fun.

T&H employee-owners enjoying a catered Italian luncheon as they celebrate the holidays

Drawing numbers out of a hat, employee-owners crossed their fingers for our gift giveaway. There were several awesome gifts ranging from gift cards to Bose speakers. Congratulations to our grand prize winner, T&H Project Environmental Scientist James DeAngelis who won an Apple watch!

T&H Project Environmental Scientist James DeAngelis showing off his new Apple watch.

Employee-owners also participated in a friendly dessert competition. Project Manager Amanda Cavaliere won best homemade dessert with for her amazing custard trifle. For best store bought dessert category, IT Manager James Field stole the show with a delicious tiramisu. The best presentation category went to Engineer Keighty Tallman, who impressed everyone with her creative gingerbread teddy bears.
Like every year, this year’s holiday celebration was a great time with a lot of laughs. From our family to yours, Happy Holidays!

T&H Thanksgiving Luncheon

T&H employee-owners enjoyed the annual Thanksgiving Luncheon on Tuesday, November 22, and as always, it was a big success. Employee-owners were encouraged to bring in their favorite foods and take some time to appreciate the holiday season. In addition, we were lucky to have some fellow employee-owners from our satellite offices to join us for the food and fun. For our six newest engineers, it was a memorable first Thanksgiving celebration at T&H. There was great food, great people, and a lot of laughs.

Giving Thanks – for Water!

It is widely known how important water is to our lives and the world we live in. Our body and planet is comprised of about 70% water – making it seem like it is easily accessible and plentiful. However, when you rule out our oceans and ice caps, less than 1% of all the water on Earth is drinkable. Of that less than 1%, groundwater only accounts for 0.28% of fresh water around the globe. Safe drinking water is a privilege we often take for granted while we brush our teeth or drink a glass of water in the morning. While we are giving thanks to our family, friends, and food during Thanksgiving, we should also give big thanks for our clean drinking water and the people who make it happen.

The Importance of Clean Water 

Villagers in Malawi travel miles to find and transport water which is rarely safe for human consumption.

Keeping yourself hydrated can do wonders for your health. The benefits water provides for our bodies range from relieving headaches, flushing toxins out of the body, improving mood, helping with weight loss, and relieving fatigue. In the U.S., we are fortunate enough to have some of the cleanest drinking water anywhere in the world to keep us healthy and safe. In other countries and for some 783 million people, that is not the case. Many do not have access to sufficient drinking water and the water they do have often contains dangerous pathogens. Often, unclean water sources are miles from villages and some people are forced to spend hours each day simply finding and transporting water. The typical container used for water collection could weigh between 40 and 70 pounds when filled. Imagine how difficult it would be to carry the equivalent of a 5-year-old child for three hours out of each day just to have water to drink. With so many people not having access to clean drinking water around the world, it is important to appreciate the plentiful and safe drinking water we have here in America.

A visual diagram of water and wastewater distribution systems. Click the image to see full size.

A Special Thanks for the People Who Make Our Water Safe

When looking at America’s clean water, it is especially important to give special thanks to the water and wastewater utilities that work nonstop to give us some of the cleanest drinking water in the world. Despite the fact that our country has beautiful rivers and lakes, the water that comes from them to our taps goes through several processes that require a lot of work and maintenance. Our water and wastewater utilities maintain some of the highest standards in the world when it comes to drinking water, and new innovations for treatment and distribution are always being researched and implemented. Water and wastewater employees work tirelessly to meet regulatory requirements and preserve local waterways despite major setbacks like deteriorating infrastructure and shrinking funding for necessary projects. On top of treating our water, utilities are responsible for keeping their distribution systems running efficiently and also to being stewards to the environment through improving effluent quality. Our water utilities are arguably the most important utilities in the nation because water is so crucial to our survival.

In Conclusion

We are so incredibly fortunate here in the United States to not have to think twice about the purity of water from the tap, a glass of water in a restaurant, a highway rest stop, an airport, or motel – all thanks to our water and wastewater utilities. For that, we should be especially thankful. This Thanksgiving, be sure to give special thanks for having safe drinking water and to the dedicated, hard-working people at water and wastewater utilities.

Tata & Howard Company Outing 2016

Tata & Howard’s family and friends

Saturday, June 11th was our annual employee outing at Kimball Farms in Westford and it was a big success. Our employee-owners participated in a pie eating contest, mini golf, the driving range, and other fun outdoor activities. Our pie eating contest was certainly one of the highlights of the day. Contestants of all ages went head to head to see who could finish their pie the fastest without using their hands. Congratulations to Philip MacClellan, Tata & Howard Engineer, for taking home the trophy and being our pie eating contest champion. We were delighted to have some of our younger Tata & Howard family with us as well to enjoy the ice cream bar and petting zoo. There were plenty of arts and crafts along with some awesome photo opportunities. Despite a bit of rain, it was a beautiful day to be outside with food, fun, friends, and family.

Tata & Howard employee-owners going head-to-head in the pie eating competition.
Philip MacClellan holds his trophy as the pie eating competition winner.
Employee-owners and family enjoying the day.
Jon Gregory, Tata & Howard Project Manager, enjoys the cookout with his family while staying out of the rain.

Employee Health & Fitness Month 2016 Wrap-Up

May was National Employee Health & Fitness Month. At Tata & Howard, we are not only committed to engineering a healthy environment, we are also committed to improving our personal health. Therefore, we celebrated National Employee Health & Fitness Month with a series of weekly initiatives, which were announced on Monday of each week. We kicked off National Employee Health & Fitness Month with a Steps Challenge where we challenged all employee-owners to walk 100 miles in the month of May – that’s 200,000 steps total — to be entered to win a FitBit Blaze. We also introduced a “Smarter Choices” section to our snacks in the kitchen and went for a mid-day walk.

Waterbury, CT team members stopped during their mid-day walk to examine some newly hatched tadpoles
Waterbury, CT team members stopped during their mid-day walk to examine some newly hatched tadpoles
T&H's Gratitude Bowl
T&H’s Gratitude Bowl

Since health goes beyond the physical, employee-owners were challenged to write down their “gratitudes” and drop them into the Gratitude Bowl for week two of the challenge. Team members were also encouraged to thank their fellow co-workers. Week three’s challenge asked employee-owners to eat more fruit, and the company provided fruit to all employees to help get them started. For week four, team members were challenged to (surprise!) drink more water. Each team member received a T&H water bottle with verbiage that encourages them to refill with tap water.

Engineers in the Marlborough office pose with their T&H water bottles
Engineers in the Marlborough office pose with their T&H water bottles

The month of activities culminated with an after-work 5K on June 1, National Running Day, and with Meagan Heslin being drawn as the winner of the FitBit Blaze for completing the step challenge. Congratulations to the whole team for rising up to the challenge of improving health and fitness!

Karen Gracey high fives FitBit Blaze winner Meagan Heslin
Karen Gracey high fives FitBit Blaze winner Meagan Heslin

Tata & Howard Announces Consolidation of Two Branch Offices

Tata & Howard Announces Consolidation of Two Branch Offices

New England-based consulting engineering firm enhances its client service by combining its Connecticut teams

Connecticut employee-owners
Connecticut employee-owners

WATERBURY, CT, January 13, 2016Tata & Howard, Inc., a leading innovator in water, wastewater, stormwater, and environmental services engineering solutions, announced today that it has consolidated its two Connecticut offices into one centrally-located branch in Waterbury, Connecticut. The consolidation is largely a result of Tata & Howard’s acquisition of Waterbury engineering firm Roald Haestad, Inc. in August of 2014.

“After the acquisition of Roald Haestad, we knew we wanted to combine our two Connecticut offices into one cohesive team to better serve our clients,” said Steve Rupar, P.E., Vice President of Tata & Howard. “Because we also wanted to ensure the satisfaction of our employee-owners and to retain our incredible talent base, we decided to proceed gradually over the course of 2015. The move was finalized at the end of the year.”

Tata & Howard’s Connecticut office provides a full range of engineering services including water and wastewater engineering, dam engineering and inspections, water and energy audits, asset management and business practice evaluations, and pipe condition assessment. Currently, the office is providing engineering services for numerous Connecticut clients including the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority (RWA), Aquarion Water Company, and the Cities of Danbury, Norwalk, New Britain, and Meriden.

“The consolidation makes financial sense and also enhances our teamwork – which is one of our corporate values, and what sets us apart from the competition,” added Sal Longo, P.E., Vice President of Tata & Howard. “The move was completed smoothly with no interruptions to our projects or inconvenience to our clients. We were fortunate to retain our valued team members, and we are all looking forward to a successful 2016.”

For questions, please contact Karen L. Gracey, P.E., Vice President, at kgracey@tataandhoward.com.

Kenneth M. Fischer, CPA, CGMA, CEPA joins the T&H team as Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer

KenFischerSmallKenneth M. Fischer brings over 35 years of financial experience with a strong general management background to the T&H team. His previous positions as CEO/President, COO, and CFO of several mid-cap companies provided him with a successful track record as point person in numerous strategic and complex financial transactions. He has significant experience in manufacturing, engineering, distribution, healthcare, and financial services industries.

His current affiliations include Director of the Schepens Eye Research Institute (affiliate of Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA), Trustee of Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (affiliate of Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA), and Trustee and Chair of Finance Committee, Executive Service Corps New England (ESCNE), Boston, MA.

Ken holds an MS in Taxation from Bentley, an MBA from Babson, and a BA in Economics from Providence College, as well as advanced certifications from Harvard Business School, Yale School of Management, and Boston University. He works out of our Marlborough office and can be reached at 508-303-9400 x123 or kfischer@tataandhoward.com.

Roald Haestad, Inc. Staff Join the Tata & Howard Team

Roald Haestad, Inc. staff join the Tata & Howard team

Tata & Howard enhances its water, wastewater, and stormwater consulting engineering services and adds dam engineering services by acquiring the assets of Connecticut-based consulting firm Roald Haestad, Inc. 

Members of the team on the first day at our new offices
Members of the team on the first day at our new offices

WATERBURY, CT, August 27, 2014 – Tata & Howard, Inc., a leading innovator in waterwastewaterstormwater, and hazardous waste engineering solutions, announced today that it has acquired the assets of Roald Haestad, Inc., (RHI) a civil engineering consulting firm located in Waterbury, CT.  Founded in 1971, RHI is a full service civil engineering firm providing services in water supply, stormwater, water distribution systems, and wastewater collection systems, with targeted expertise in safe yields and dam engineering. Throughout its 43-year history, RHI has built a solid reputation for providing superior design and engineering services along with exceptional client relations. Additional services include roadways, permitting, funding assistance, GIS, and surveying, including GPS, floodplain mapping, and bathymetric surveys.
“Our acquisition of RHI complements our existing engineering consultant offerings by allowing us to provide additional civil engineering services, including dam engineering, surveying, and streamflow release analysis,” noted Donald J. Tata, P.E., co-founder and President of Tata & Howard, Inc. “We intend to provide the same high-level service to the clients of RHI, and are excited about the wide variety of options we can now offer to our existing and new clients,” explains Tata.
To provide the best possible transition for current RHI clients, Tata & Howard will continue operations from Haestad’s Waterbury location, along with existing RHI employees. “The acquisition significantly adds to our talent base and also expands our geographic presence in New England,” Tata commented. “RHI employees bring decades of solid engineering experience to the table, and we are enthusiastic to have them on the Tata & Howard team.”
Ronald G. Litke, P.E., President of RHI, will be retiring and remain available on a limited basis, He commented, “In looking to the future, our key concerns were our clients and our employees” he commented. “By joining Tata & Howard, we have ensured seamless transition and exceptional service for our clients, along with a stable and bright future for our employees. It’s a win-win situation.”