Bellemont, AZ Water Treatment

Tata & Howard provided general engineering services to Bellemont Water System associated with responding to Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) violations and preparing an Application for the Groundwater Compliance 4-Log Removal of Viruses. Randall Pellatz, P.E., from Tata & Howard’s Flagstaff office, served as Project Manager.


Located west of Flagstaff in the unincorporated community of Bellemont, the water system served approximately 100 customers — the majority of whom receive water hauled by truck to cisterns at their homes — as well as a few businesses, including a strip mall. The system also provides some fire protection. After the system repeatedly tested positive for E. coli bacteria and total coliform bacteria, a boil water notice was issued in August of 2012. In June of 2013, ADEQ issued a compliance order that required the Bellemont Water System to notify all customers of the boil water advisory and to install a treatment system that satisfactorily removes bacteria and viruses from the water. The source of the contamination was unknown.

Tata & Howard’s scope of services included providing a response to ADEQ’s compliance order and developing a preliminary plan of action for maintaining 4-Log Removal of Viruses for the Bellemont Water System. In addition, a preliminary schematic plan for a chlorination system was developed to provide a residual chlorine concentration throughout the Bellemont Water System. Tata & Howard also provided design services for the proposed disinfection system and completed an assessment of the existing conditions of the Bellemont Water System, including recommendations, in a letter report.

The system’s operator, Jeremy McCabe, installed the disinfection system, and in June of 2016, the Bellemont Water System underwent their final field inspection from ADEQ for chlorine residual and 4-log removal. They passed easily, and ADEQ was pleased to remove the boil water requirement. Mr. McCabe commented on how well the system now operates, and the system’s customers have expressed how happy they are to once again have safe, clean water.



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