Burbank Tank Rehabilitation – Millbury, MA

The Burbank Tank is a 110-year-old buried fieldstone tank located in Millbury, MA.  Due to concerns from MassDEP on the age and condition of the tank, the Aquarion Water Company contracted Tata & Howard to provide design specifications and DN Tanks was selected as the tank rehabilitation contractor for installing shotcreting lining to the fieldstone walls, pouring a new concrete floor and removing pipes within the tank that are no longer in use.  While the proposed work is not a structural fix for the tank, shotcreting the walls will reduce potential root intrusion, seal up areas of lost mortar, and reduce the potential for leakage.  The rehabilitation was undertaken in early 2017 and completed in 8 weeks.

The Burbank Tank is the only storage tank in the water distribution system.  Therefore, careful planning and evaluation of the system using the hydraulic model was required to review the options for operations without storage for an extended period of time.



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