New Water Main, Whitinsville Water Company, MA

Tata & Howard provided engineering services for the design, construction administration, and resident project representation for the installation of approximately 3,800 linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main on A, B, C, D, and Border Streets for the Whitinsville Water Company. All homes in the project area are multi-family ranging from duplexes to four units per building, and are of wood construction. The area has a history of fires, so fire protection was of utmost concern.

The project began in February of 2016. Each home had its water service replaced, and also received a 6-inch ductile iron water main that was installed with a gate valve and a cap so that the homeowner could install individual fire and water services to each unit. For example, the homes with four units could be tapped with eight new service lines, giving each home a fire service and a water service and increased protection from fire. As added fire protection, Tata & Howard also replaced all hydrants and added four additional hydrants to the project area.

All water main installation was completed in November of 2016, and final paving took place in the spring of 2017.



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