Wastewater Pump Station Rehabilitation, Milford, MA


Tata & Howard provided all design and construction services related to a treated wastewater pump station at the Town’s advanced wastewater treatment facility.  This station has a capacity in excess of 1 mgd and is used to pump treated wastewater to a gas turbine power generation facility where it is used for cooling water.  Included in this project was the preparation of plans and specifications and the monitoring of water quality effects on the Charles River.

The Birch Street Pump Station is a submersible pump station consisting of two 700 gallons per minute pumps. Under maximum day flow conditions, the station has operated well above its current capacity and pump run times of 24 hours have been recorded. Therefore, prior to accepting additional flows would require upgrades to be completed. In 2013, Tata & Howard worked with the Town of Milford and was retained by a developer to design proposed upgrades for the Birch Street Pump Station rehabilitation which included upgrades to the existing submersible pumps, electrical and instrumentation, and controls.



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