Satellite and Replacement Wells, Shrewsbury, MA

Shrewsbury Replacement Wells

Tata & Howard has been providing engineering services to the Town of Shrewsbury for their water supply sources. Our work has included permitting and design of satellite and replacement wells at the Home Farm Wells No. 6-2 and No. 6-4 and the Lambert Replacement Well No. 3-1. The intent of the project was to regain lost capacity of the existing sources.

The approved withdrawal rate from Lambert Well No. 3-1 is 0.75 mgd. The permitted withdrawal cannot be attained because the existing well screen has failed. Installation of an 18” x 12” gravel packed replacement well removed the threat of problems associated with the collapsed screen.

The approved withdrawal rate from Home Farm Well No. 6-2 is 3.02 mgd.   Despite rehabilitation efforts, the capacity of Well No. 6-2 has significantly decreased. An 18” x 12” gravel packed replacement well was constructed and permitted to replace a portion of the flows from the existing Well No. 6-2 to meet the demands of the system and to better manage their sources.  By dividing the approved withdrawal rate of Well No. 6-2 between the existing well and the replacement well, the water velocities will decrease and the efficiency of the wells will increase.

Both replacement well projects required permitting with the Shrewsbury Conservation Commission and MassDEP, preparation of bid documents for the installation of gravel packed production wells and pump test, 24 hour pump test with water quality analysis, preparation of pump test reports, design of necessary infrastructure including submersible pumps, variable frequency drives (VFDs) and piping to connect to the existing water treatment facility.



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