Site Stormwater Management, Wayland, MA

Happy Hollow site stormwater management

The Happy Hollow Chemical Feed Station design consisted of a small chemical feed building and equipment, well pump and water main installation, and associated utilities and site work. The only impervious surface on the site was the new building. Since building roof was a membrane and not metal and there was no paving, MassDEP guidelines allowed for direct infiltration of the stormwater runoff from the roof. This was accomplished by pitching the roof to one side and collecting the runoff into two 4” PVC drain pipes that discharged into an infiltration system consisting of four Cultec infiltration chambers.

Since it was not feasible to install an overflow for these chambers, the infiltration system was designed based on a 100-year storm event in order to have the capacity to collect, store, and infiltrate the largest storms that the site could potentially encounter. The chemical feed building also housed a re-agentless chlorine analyzer that required a constant supply of sampling water and therefore produced a constant waste flow of clean water. This analyzer waste flow was also included in the sizing of the infiltration system.



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