WWTP Evaluation, Manchester-By-The-Sea, MA

Tata & Howard completed a comprehensive evaluation of the Manchester-by-the-Sea wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

The Manchester-the-Sea WWTP was originally constructed in 1998. The plant is designed to treat an average daily flow (ADF) of 1.20 mgd. The plant includes the following treatment processes: influent pumping, influent sewage grinding, manual bar rack, grit removal equipment, aeration tanks and blowers, clarifiers, chlorine disinfection, and sludge thickening.  The treated effluent is discharged into the ocean with effluent pumps through an ocean outfall pipe.

The treatment plant evaluation included a comprehensive assessment of the physical condition of the plant to provide an additional 20-year life for the facility.  The evaluation included all mechanical systems and equipment, electrical systems and controls, buildings, and structures.  The study included an evaluation of energy usage at the plant and developed recommendations to improve energy efficiency including replacement of influent and effluent pumps, and aeration blowers to better match plant flow requirements and system demands.

The final report includes an evaluation of existing conditions and proposed recommendations to improve current operations, upgrade aging equipment and facilities, improve energy efficiency,  and provide plant hardening against potential climate change and sea level rise.




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