Water Treatment Plant with Dehumidification System, Whitinsville, MA

Tata & Howard provided the design of a 1.44 million gallon per day (mgd) water treatment plant to treat water from the Whitinsville Water Company’s Whitin Wellfield. The existing facilities consisted of a chemical injection facility and pump station, and historical high levels of iron and manganese led to water discoloration issues in the distribution system.

The new treatment facility for the Whitin Wellfield utilizes chlorine oxidation and GreensandPlus™ media filtration to remove iron and manganese from the raw water to concentrations below Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels. The installation of 16-inch pipe between the existing facility and the water treatment facility is utilized in combination with filtration to provide contact time to achieve log removal of Giardia Lamblia (Giardia), Cryptosporidium, and viruses, if it becomes necessary in the future.

The treatment plant components include a three cell horizontal pressure filter vessel, a backwash water tank, and backwash pumping systems. The design also included a dehumidification system and the installation of crushed stone below the filter vessel and spent backwash tank. This allows for water to infiltrate into the ground and prevent puddling on the concrete floor in the event that condensation does occur on the equipment.





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