Willis Road Wastewater Pumping Station, Gardner, MA

Tata & Howard was contracted to provide construction administration and part-time resident project representative services for the construction of upgrades to the Willis Road pump station.

The Willis Road Pump Station in Gardner, MA is a wastewater pumping station originally constructed in 1983. The pumping station was designed to handle a Total Maximum Daily Flow of 625 gallons per minute (gpm) or 900,000 gallons per day (gpd). The station pumps all the wastewater collected into the collection system through approximately 1,050 feet of 6-inch ductile iron force main.

The wastewater pumping station improvement project consisted of replacement of the station’s two 270 gpm centifugal pumps and motors, new control panels, new emergency generator, and upgrade of the existing pump building at a cost of $775,000.






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