Tata & Howard designed and constructed the improvements to eliminate low and inadequate system pressures, construct a new source, pilot test filtration for manganese removal, design and construct required distribution system piping to connect the plant and storage tank with the system, design a new concrete storage tank, booster pump stations, and the filtration facility for manganese removal. The project was very successful and remains in great condition today.
Services: New Source Development
Replacement Wells, Ayer, MA
Grove Pond Replacement Wells No. 1 and No. 2
Grove Pond Well No. 3
Spectacle Pond Replacement Wells No. 1 and No. 2
Department of Public Works, Ayer, Massachusetts
Tata & Howard has been providing engineering services to the Town of Ayer for their water supply sources. Our work has included permitting and design of replacement wells at the Grove Pond Well site, development of a new source at the Grove Pond site, and replacement wells at the Spectacle Pond Well site. Due to elevated concentrations of iron and manganese at both sites, the intent of the replacement well program was to regain lost capacity of the existing sources and reduce the frequency of rehabilitation of the existing sources. All the replacement wells with the exception the replacement wells at Spectacle Pond Well No. 2 were single gravel packed replacement wells. Due to Zone I ownership issues, Spectacle Pond Well No. 2 is being replaced with three 16” x 10” gravel packed wells in a wellfield configuration. Each replacement well project initiated with test well exploratory programs to identify the potential location, yield, and water quality. With the Spectacle Pond Well No. 2 Replacement Well, we met with MassDEP to discuss the concept, duration of the pump test, and monitoring requirements prior to submittal of the pump test proposal.
Our scope of services for the replacement well and new source projects included test well exploration programs, permitting with the Ayer Conservation Commission and Nature Heritage and Endangered Species Program, MassDevelopment for the Grove Pond Wells, Water Management Act (WMA) program for the third well at Grove Pond, conductance of pump tests, preparation of pump tests reports in accordance with MassDEP requirements, design of the necessary infrastructure and production wells to connect the existing wells to the influent main into the existing respective water treatment facilities, construction and post construction services.
Water Supply Division Sanitary Survey, Greensboro, VT
Tata & Howard first assisted the District with responses to the Water Supply Division Sanitary Survey and then developed alternatives for the long term plan that would address all of the deficiencies and meet compliance with the Federal and State drinking water rules.
The issues were as follows:
- Wooden roof over concrete storage tank
- Inadequate disinfection system and metering of source
- Inadequate system pressures at the highest points within the system
- Water losses
- Inadequate metering of sources of supply to the storage tank
- Inadequate distribution piping for fire flows.
The solutions developed were as follows:
- Design and installation of concrete precast cover on storage tank
- Design of new building at storage tank with flow measurement and disinfection and better storage tank access for cleaning
- Virtual abandonment of auxiliary springs and surface water emergency source
- Design of water main replacement to meet required system pressures for compliance with the drinking water standards and rules
- Locating, permitting and developing a new source of supply (well) to supplement the existing wells and virtually eliminate the old spring sources due to the potential for contamination that had occurred in the past.
- Securing the maximum amount of grant funding available to the District at 45% with the remainder a low interest loan.