Hooksett Village Water Precinct (HVWP) Phase I Water Distribution and Storage Improvement Project is the first of three major drinking water components of the RTIA Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District economic development initiative sponsored by the Town of Hooksett. The project consisted of the construction of 1,800 linear feet of distribution system improvements in the Vista Drive area, a new 0.40 million gallon capacity glass-fused-to-steel tank, and 350 linear feet of associated transmission main from Daniel Webster Highway to Main Street.
The Precinct has been partnering with the Town, Sewer Commission, local businesses, committees, residents and area developers to encourage TIF-based infrastructure projects. TIF can be used to fund improvements that benefit the whole community by attracting new development, revitalizing blight, and/or enacting quality of life projects. This can significantly expand the tax base and provide more or easier access to services for residents with less financial impact.
Project Details
Hydraulic modeling studies completed in 2020 as part of the Precinct’s asset management program showed that distribution improvements were needed in the Vista Drive area to relieve a bottleneck that was critically restricting flow from the existing Quarry Tank and nearby wells. The Vista Drive area water main replacement/extension was listed as a Top Priority in the Precinct’s March 2021 Asset Management Plan Update. This area is the closest and primary source of water and fire protection for the TIF District, and a direct connection to the area is imperative to efficiently transmit water to the TIF District.
The Thompson Comer Tank is critical to water system hydraulics, not only for fire flow purposes but also for redundancy, emergency resiliency, and operational flexibility. It is inextricably linked to the operation of the Quarry Tank and the TIF District. Unfortunately, it had deteriorated to the point where it needed replacement. The new, slightly larger capacity replacement tank allowed the Quarry Tank to be taken offline as needed for O&M or emergencies; provide backup storage for the TIF district; allow the Quarry Tank to operate at 100% capacity; and improve overall energy efficiency by increasing off-peak operations.
Replacement of the existing Thompson Corner Tank also served as the permanent action plan to address a Significant Deficiency outlined by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) in October 2020. The deficiency identified was severe deterioration of the coating on the inside and outside of the tank. NHDES required that funding be authorized by March 2022 and a tank construction contract be awarded by October 2022.
The cost to replace the Thompson Corner tank and install the Vista Drive area water main and associated transmission main was $2,464,000 and was funded by 2021-22 NH Drinking Water & Groundwater Trust Fund (DWGTF) and NHDES American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds.
And the Winner Is…
Each fall, the Granite State Rural Water Association holds a drinking water taste test at its Annual Operator Field Day and Exhibit. In fall 2024, just after the completion of the project, HVWP had the honor of winning the contest! We are very proud of the collaboration and efforts of both HVWP and the Tata & Howard team for the incredible success of our partnership.
A PFAS Journey to Determine Effective Management and Treatment Options
Tata & Howard is working with the Town of Shrewsbury, MA to address perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the groundwater. The Town of Shrewsbury water system serves a population of approximately 38,300. The system consists of about 200 miles of main, nine active groundwater wells from three well sites, three pressure zones, six storage tanks, and one water treatment plant. The 7.0 million gallon per day (mgd) Home Farm Water Treatment Facility utilizes biological treatment for removal of manganese.
In 2020, Shrewsbury detected PFAS in the wells. Sampling has indicated that PFAS is present in most of the wells operated by the Town but under the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 20 nanograms per liter (ng/L) for PFAS6 as regulated by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) which includes the sum of concentrations for PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS, PFNA, PFHpA, and PFDA. Raw water from one well site, the Sewell Well, has been consistently higher than 20 ng/L; but the finished water from all wells after treatment at the Home Farm Water Treatment Plant has been in compliance and consistently less than 16 ng/L. Most of the PFAS is in the form of PFOA and PFOS which are the two compounds for which the EPA has developed a proposed MCL. The PFOA indicated by the green bar in Table 1 is higher than the proposed Federal MCL of 4 ng/L.
Currently, the Town has been managing the sources to improve water quality and stay under the current MCL of 20 ng/L for PFAS6. A mass balance is utilized to estimate finished water PFAS concentrations based on updated sample results and changes in the operation of the sources. Tata & Howard created the base tool which can be used to see how changes to PFAS levels or flow rates can affect the finished water concentration.
Table 2 represents existing conditions. The numbers used for PFAS are the highest results from each individual well observed in a year of sampling data, showing the finished water level is about 16 ng/L.As long as the PFAS concentrations in the wells remain consistent, the Town will remain in compliance. If sample results change and they see an increase in PFAS concentration at Sewell, the Town will make adjustments using the mass balance to manage the sources to remain in compliance.
The Town cannot manage sources like this indefinitely. They decided to move forward with reviewing PFAS treatment options and pilot testing to determine the best course of action if/when treatment is required.
Tata & Howard and the Town considered three treatment options. The first option is anion exchange, which uses a resin with positively charged ions. These are typically single use resins and require one to three minutes of empty bed contact time. The next option is Granular Activate Carbon (GAC) which uses adsorption. This media can be made from different types of carbon sources that can be recycled through thermal reactivations and requires a ten minute empty bed contact time. There are limitations with GAC on some of the short chain PFAS. The third type is novel media, which includes other types of media that do not fall into the first two categories. The novel media piloted uses an adsorption process that is classified as a single use resin and has a two to three minute empty bed contact time.
Shrewsbury’s pilot testing utilized three anion exchange resins from two suppliers (one of which was regenerative), a coal-based GAC, and a novel media. The novel media selected works like GAC since it is not as sensitive to chlorine and chlorides, which can impact the effectiveness of anion exchange resins.
The GAC pilot test utilized two 6-inch columns in series rather than one very tall column to give more flexibility for installation and backwashing. A total of 10 gallons of media were installed with a loading rate of 7.5 gal/ft2 and an empty bed contact time of approximately ten minutes. The anion exchange and novel medias each utilized one 6-inch column with five gallons of media installed, a loading rate of 11.25 gal/ft2, and an empty bed contact time of approximately two minutes.
The water source was a tap on the effluent line from the existing filters using finished water that had been treated for manganese removal but not any of the chemical additions of KOH, phosphate, chlorine, and fluoride. There were control valves so the water only came through the unit when the treatment plant was online, which is typically more than 20 hours per day.
There was an initial baseline water quality sampling event at the start, at the end of week 20, and at the end of piloting. PFAS samples were taken day one, day seven, and then monthly for the duration of the pilot. Samples were taken from the 25% sample tap until breakthrough (50% of the raw water PFAS levels, so between 6 and 7 ppt), then at the 50% tap.
Table 3 shows the result from the different taps at the end of the pilot.The anion exchange results are from the best performing anion exchange resin. GAC was first detected in week 8 with breakthrough in the 25% tap in week 16 and the 50% tap in week 44. There was a detected amount in the final sample tap in week 64, which was the final week of the testing.
Anion exchange had the longest time to first detect but the 25% breakthrough for all anion exchange and novel media were all within a sample event or so of each other and occurred between weeks 44 and 52. The novel media had breakthrough of the 50% tap at week 60 and was detected in the 100% tap at the final week while the anion exchange was ND in the 100% tap at the end of the pilot.
Table 4 is a summary as to what the permanent filter system may look like. The filters are similar in size but the number of recommended filters differs for each resin. The overall building footprint is similar as well. The anion exchange did perform slightly better than the novel media, however, the overall PFAS removal results over the duration of the pilot was similar. Because of this, construction costs, long term media replacement costs, and operational considerations were included as part of the media selection process.
The Town has chosen to use novel media because it allows for some backwashing and chlorination, reducing the potential of biofilm buildup and potential capacity loss due to increased headloss through the media. Additionally, the novel media has a smaller footprint in comparison to GAC.The Town of Shrewsbury’s current PFAS levels do contain mostly PFOS and PFOA at concentrations higher than the proposed Federal regulations for those two compounds. Also, based on reviewing the data of the PFAS6 compounds, PFOA was the compound first detected for all media; also, the majority of the detected PFAS6 concentrations in the effluent throughout the pilot were PFOA.
One additional challenge moving forward is the design of the facility so the water goes through the manganese treatment first, the new PFAS treatment next, and finally utilizes the existing clearwell for chlorine contact, with finished water pumping into the system, all while keeping the existing treatment online during construction and start up.Tata & Howard is currently designing the facility which is being funded through the MassDEP State Revolving Fund.
Due to elevated levels of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), 1,4 Dioxane, and iron and manganese in the three drinking water production wells at the Maher Water Treatment Facility, the Town of Barnstable is proceeding with design and construction of upgrades at the facility to treat for these constituents.
The Town of Barnstable is currently conducting pilot testing at the site to determine the required design parameters, treatment process effectiveness, and best technology to achieve the desired treated water. Treatment processes associated with pilot testing include GreensandPlus and LayneOx for removal of iron and manganese, advanced oxidation (ultraviolet light with hydrogen peroxide) for removal of 1,4-dioxane, and granular activated carbon (GAC) for removal of PFOS and PFOA. Treatment for 1,4 Dioxane is the primary goal of the pilot test in order to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) New Technology Approval process.
The MassDEP has confirmed that pilot testing of GAC filtration at the Maher facility is not a statutory requirement due to the current use of this water treatment technology at the Town’s Mary Dunn Wells and the availability of current water quality data for treatment of PFOS/PFOA within the same water system. However, the Town has decided to include GAC filtration with pilot testing of advanced oxidation and iron and manganese removal to evaluate the performance of all proposed treatment processes operating together.
Pilot testing is being conducted by Blueleaf, Inc. as a sub-consultant to Tata & Howard, Inc. Pilot testing was completed in 2017.
Tata & Howard provided engineering services for permitting, design, and bidding of the 1.3 mgd chemical injection Trinity Avenue Pump Station at the Trinity Avenue Wellfield. The project included an evaluation of alternatives for the access road including installation of a bridge or an open bottomed culvert; assistance with the preparation of permanent easements for the installation of utilities and roadway to the well site; preparation and submittal of an NOI to the Grafton Conservation Commission. The design included an access road, bailey bridge with abutments, double wythe block building, interior concrete painted block with wood truss roof and asphaltic shingles, installation of three (3) submersible pumps and pitless adaptors, approximately 1,800 linear feet of 6-inch and 12-inch water main, emergency liquid propane tanks and generator, instrumentation and controls, a SCADA system for the pump station and wells, and a 24-inch transmission main for 4-log removal. Security included chain link fence, gates, locks, intrusion alarms, and lighting. Tata & Howard also assisted Owner with the coordination of the installation of three phase power to site. Chemical feed at the station includes KOH for pH adjustment and chlorine gas for disinfection. Standby power was included in an outdoor enclosure. The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.
Tata & Howard, Inc. prepared a Water System Operations Plan for the Falmouth water system. As part of the Settlement Agreement between the Town of Falmouth and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Town agreed to complete a Water System Operations Plan. The purpose of the plan was to evaluate seasonal demands, current source and storage tank operations and identify system and operational changes necessary to address distribution areas with low chlorine residuals.
The Town of Falmouth’s water distribution system consists of approximately 400 miles of water mains of various materials ranging in size from six to 24 inches in diameter. The Town has five active water supply sources including both groundwater and a currently unfiltered surface supply. Each source is treated with sodium hypochlorite for disinfection with the exception of Long Pond, which includes disinfection with chlorine gas. Falmouth’s water distribution system includes four water storage tanks and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to run and monitor operations.
The Falmouth Water Department faced a number of challenges, including the following:
Maintaining regulatory compliance
Meeting water demands
Peak summer demands could only be met with Long Pond surface supply
Long Pond is an unfiltered surface water supply
Constant struggle to maintain treatment compliance and water quality
Seasonal impacts from turnover or algae growth
Lack of treatment to address taste, odor, and color can require severe curtailment in use of the supply
Excessive source chlorine residuals needed to maintain distribution system residual chlorine concentrations, combined with source water organics results in elevated disinfection by-products (DBP – Total Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids) which are regulated compounds
The study reviewed the challenges above and recommended changes to systems operations procedures to improve water quality. We used a hydraulic model to determine water age and look at its impacts on water quality. The plan was submitted and approved by Mass DEP.
Additionally, Tata & Howard completed the design of a 3.6 mgd treatment facility which utilizes air stripping and pressure filtration technology for the removal of iron, manganese and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The facility includes an air stripping tower, three greensand filtration units, horizontal carbon contactors, chemical storage and feed facilities, gravel pack supply well, finished water storage, and backwash holding tanks.
Tata & Howard worked with the District and assisted them to come into compliance with the deficiencies noted in their Sanitary Survey. This District was once a private water company with numerous water quality, pressure, and supply issues and it finally was turned into a Fire District. The system has 45 connections and is on a water connection ban from the State. Tata & Howard prepared a Water Supply Feasibility Study with regards to addressing all of the systems issues, which are noted below:
Issues with the spring source and its spring house structure
Issues with inadequate system pressure at a few connections
No disinfection system or stand by disinfection system
Lack of source metering
Lack of source overflow metering
Lack of auxiliary well approval
Lack of system flushing hydrants
Lack of good water system map
Inadequate supply during summer months due to reduction in spring source
Failed coliform tests requiring disinfection
The solutions developed included the following:
New spring house roof and structure for disinfecting
Computer modeling for alternatives to address inadequate flows and pressures
Evaluation of the emergency well with Hoffer Consulting
Development of a source metering vault and system
Disinfection system for stand-by disinfection
Plan for metering the spring overflow
Alternatives for water system storage
Alternative to connection to other water system source
Flushing hydrants installation options
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