Online UST data management system goes into effect August 1, 2015

MassDEPThe Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has announced a new online data management system for Underground Storage Tank (UST) registrations and third-party inspections (TPIs). As of August 1, 2015, MassDEP will no longer accept paper UST forms FP-290, FP-290R and FP-289 and will instead require all registrations and inspections to be filed electronically.

In preparation for the new requirement, MassDEP will be offering a webinar on “Data Management System Training for UST Owners, Operators, and Third-Party Inspectors” beginning on July 15. In addition, they will be offering hands-on training sessions for UST system owners, operators, and staff responsible for preparing and/or submitting UST registration documents, TPI reports, and compliance certifications. These training sessions, which require advance registration, will be offered in Fall River, Holyoke, Worcester, and Danvers. For your convenience, the original MassDEP press release is copied below in its entirety.

If you have any questions or require assistance with TPIs or compliance certifications, please contact Jonathan O’Brien, LSP, LEP at 508-386-9338 or

Original letter from MassDEP:

Dear Class A, A/B and B Operators and Third-Party Inspectors:

Beginning in July, MassDEP is transitioning from the current paper based Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program registration and reporting forms (FP-290, FP-290R and FP-289), to a new online data management system that provides UST system owners and operators a more convenient, electronic way to update facility registration information and submit applicable reporting documents.

The new data management system will be available for user registration by mid-July.  MassDEP will notify all Class A, A/B and B operators and third-party inspectors when the data management system is ready for use.

UST Program Reporting Transition Schedule

  1. Effective July 31, 2015, MassDEP will no longer accept FP-290, FP-290R and FP-289 documents for purposes of compliance with UST registration and third-party inspection reporting requirements under 310 CMR 80.00.
  2. Effective August 1, 2015:
    1. All new and updated UST registration submittals shall be made electronically through MassDEP’s new online UST data management system.  Registration information may be submitted as a paper document, if accompanied by a hardship request.
    2. All third-party inspection results shall be reported electronically by third-party inspectors using the new Third-Party Inspection (TPI) Report provided through the new online data management system.  The third-party inspector will then electronically forward the TPI Report to the UST system owner or operator for signature and submittal to MassDEP.

Compliance with Third-Party Inspection Reporting Requirements
To provide UST system owners, operators and third-party inspectors time to register as users in the data management system and become familiar with the system and new Program requirements, TPI Reports due between August 1, 2015 and October 31, 2015 will be allowed up to October 31, 2015 to submit their required TPI Report using the new online data management system.

All TPI Reports for this period received after October 31, 2015 may be subject to enforcement.

Compliance Certification Submittals
The Compliance Certification submittal requirement goes into effect November 1, 2015. MassDEP will issue 90-Day Reminder notifications in July to UST system owners and operators with  Compliance Certifications due in November 2015.

Data Management System Training for UST Owners, Operators, and Third-Party Inspectors

  1. Third-Party Inspector Online Webinar Training
    Data management system overview:
  • Registering as a user
  • Data management system navigation
  • Initiating a TPI and “sharing” a TPI Report with a UST system owner or operator.

Webinar Training Dates
No pre-registration is required to participate. Further information on webinar call-in number and conferencing service will be emailed to all TPIs prior to date of scheduled training and posted on MassDEP’s UST webpage.

  • July 15, 1 – 3pm
  • July 22, 1 – 3pm
  • July 30, 1 – 3pm
  • Aug 27, 1 – 3pm
  1. UST System Owners and Operators Training

This is “hands on” training for UST systems owners, operators and staff responsible for preparing and/or submitting UST registration documents, TPI Reports and Compliance Certifications.

Space is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis (system owners and operators with most imminent submittal due dates will receive priority). Additional sessions will be added as demand requires.

To reserve space, please submit your name, company, and preferred date and session to:

Date July 17, 2015 July 21, 2015 July 27, 2015 July 28, 2015
Facility Bristol CC Holyoke CC Worcester State University North Shore CC
City/Town Fall River, MA Holyoke, MA Worcester, MA Danvers, MA
Room Capacity 28 23 25 18
Session #1 10am – Noon 10am – Noon 10am – Noon 10am – Noon
Session #2 1pm – 3pm 1pm – 3pm 1pm – 3pm 1pm – 3pm

Data Management System Training Materials on MassDEP’s Webpage
The following materials will be posted on MassDEP’s UST webpage ( at the time the UST Data Management System goes “live”.

  1. Data Management System User Guide
  2. “What Do You Want To Do” Guide
  3. Required Data Elements of Data Management System
  4. Audio Power Point Presentations
  5. DEP Hotline #

If you have any questions concerning the introduction of the new UST online Data Management System, please email the Program at:, or call the MassDEP UST Program Hotline at (617) 556-1035 Ext. 2.

Tom DeNormandie, Branch Chief
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Underground Storage Tank/Stage I & II Vapor Recovery Programs
One Winter Street – 7th floor
Boston, MA  02108
Phone: 617-292-5763
Fax: 617-556-1063

Environmental Remediation Services: Why You Should Always Get a Second Opinion

A second opinion on your environmental remediation plan can save you time and money

Thoroughly understanding site assessments and environmental remediation plans is always a challenge. Since most people aren’t familiar with hazardous waste laws, science, and jargon, it is difficult to know if your environmental consultants are making recommendations that are in your best interest. And while their plans may be sound, it is often a good idea to get a second opinion.

environmental remediationWhat is environmental remediation?

Environmental remediation services involve providing solutions to contamination issues, and include removing contaminants from groundwater, surface water, sediment, or soil, including cleaning up after an oil spill. Remediation is very often a governmental requirement or regulation that has the intent to protect people and the environment from exposure to contamination and its potential harmful effects. Limiting exposure can also involve institutional controls such as a deed restriction where remediation is not feasible or cost-effective.

What is an environmental remediation second opinion?

Oil removal

A second opinion includes an independent assessment of an environmental project to evaluate if the proposed remedial action plan is appropriate and that once it is implemented, is progressing satisfactorily and helps to ensure that potential receptors are being protected. These services typically include review of the proposed work plan, laboratory analyses of duplicate samples, observation of field activities performed by cleanup contractors or other consultants, review of documents for technical completeness, and invoice review to evaluate if charges are customary and reasonable.

To illustrate the importance of a second opinion, consider the following: Tata & Howard provided a second opinion to a client who had made a non-refundable $4,000,000 down payment on a property in an industrial area of Boston, MA. Initial assessment by a prior consultant identified petroleum related compounds and styrene in indoor air, the source of which was, according to them, an underground storage tank (UST) located outside the building. Tata & Howard’s assessment indicated that the styrene was actually from an unrelated source inside the building and that a level of No Significant Risk existed for presence of the petroleum related compounds. Remedial action was not necessary to achieve a condition of No Significant Risk and the clients did not lose their $4,000,000 deposit. Read the complete case study here.

The previous example saved the buyers on a number of levels. First, they did not lose their deposit. Second, they didn’t have to invest in a costly remedial action plan. And third, their ability to move quickly forward with the closing saved on time — and we all know that time is money.

site assessmentConclusion

Getting a second opinion will not only better help you to understand your options, but will often help save you money. Tests and analyses may provide a second set of findings, and a fresh set of eyes can often develop an alternate course of action that requires less time and fewer resources. Every site is unique, and every consulting firm has its own methodology. However, not everyone realizes that in today’s competitive economy, it is imperative to identify solutions that are both cost-effective and that can be applied with minimal disturbance to your business activities.