T&H’s Tom Morgan presented with Fuller Award at ACE15
On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, during the American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE15) in Anaheim, California, Tata & Howard’s Thomas R. Morgan, P.E., BCEE, was presented with the George Warren Fuller Award for the New England section.
George Warren Fuller Awards are presented annually by the AWWA to the sections’ selected members for their distinguished service to the water supply field in commemoration of the sound engineering skill, brilliant diplomatic talent, and constructive leadership which characterized the life of George Warren Fuller. Tom was presented with an award plaque and pin at the Fuller Award Society Breakfast held during ACE15. Each awardee becomes a member of the George Warren Fuller Award Society of the AWWA. The annual meeting of the society is held at the Fuller Award Society Breakfast at the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition.