Environmental Remediation is Going Green

HW green remediation sprout and soilTata & Howard’s Hazardous Waste Group recently participated in the LSP Association’s Technical Practices Committee meeting which focused on MassDEP’s Green Remediation initiative. MassDEP is looking for involvement from the LSP community in drafting language for its updated guidelines that it hopes to roll out in May along with the new changes to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). According to Tom Potter, Clean Energy Development Coordinator from the MassDEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) Clean Energy Results Program (CERP), the ultimate goal is to make “greener remediation” a standard practice for all aspects of cleanup work under the MCP. BWSC recognizes that the LSP community plays a key role in the promotion and application of Green Remediation, which is why their input is being sought. The next MassDEP BWSC Green Remediation Workgroup meeting is scheduled for March 11 from 10am-12noon at MassDEP’s Boston Headquarters, and Tata & Howard will be in attendance.

For more information, please visit MassDEP’s website at https://1.usa.gov/1ftS3gn or contact Joel Loitherstein, P.E.

One thought on “Environmental Remediation is Going Green”

  1. This is a great announcement. I love being outdoors. I also love buildings, technology, and conveniences. But, there is just something about being in nature that is soothing to my soul. It’s great that companies are doing environmental remediation, which will help preserve that.

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