Asset Management-based Water Distribution System Study, Mountainaire, AZ

CLIENT: Ponderosa Utility Corporation, Arizona

PROJECT: Mountainaire asset management based water distribution system study to assist with prioritizing water system improvements

THE CHALLENGE: Mountainaire is a small water distribution system with limited manpower and revenue resources, and the operation and maintenance of the system is often reactive rather than proactive.

Tata & Howard successfully helped secure WIFA funding for the completion of the study which provides guidance to the PUC on how the system operates, what improvements are needed for efficient operation and continued maintenance of the system, and a prioritized approach to assist in funding and implementation of projects. This asset management based water distribution system study addresses undersized deteriorating water mains, above grade assets, and the energy efficiency of the pumping system. The study evaluates the system as a whole, based on above grade and below grade assets. Above grade assets are evaluated based on remaining useful life expectancy. Water mains are based on hydraulic capacity, criticality, and risk of failure. A hydraulic model was created for the study.

PROGRESS: Using the findings of the study, we are currently providing engineering services to evaluate flow and pressure requirements for the existing Kiowa Site booster pump station in order to construct a constant pressure pumping system to replace the existing booster pump and hydropnematic tank system that is old and failing.

Water Mains, DWSRF, Uxbridge, MA

Water_Mains_Construction hats

Tata & Howard is assisting the Town of Uxbridge with the design of 18,200 linear feet of 12-inch diameter water main on Route 122 from the Blackstone River to the Northbridge Town boundary. Work includes the preparation of design plans and specifications, permitting with the local Conservation Commission, MESA, and MassDOT, and the preparation of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) application, plans, and specifications checklist for the Route 122 water main design.

In addition, Tata & Howard provided design, permitting, and construction administration services for approximately 4,750 and 1,560 linear feet of 20-inch and 12-inch diameter water main, respectively, on Quaker Highway.

District Water Treatment Facility, Transmission Mains, and Metering Station, Mattapoisett, MA

MRVWD_water treatment facility

The MRVWD water treatment facility project was designed to treat water from eight wells belonging to the Towns of Fairhaven, Marion and Mattapoisett.  The MRVWD facilities also include approximately 5 miles of raw water transmission mains between the wells and the water treatment facility, finished water transmission mains from the water treatment facility to the existing town transmission mains, six new 100 HP high lift pumps and control/metering stations. The existing pump stations were upgraded to pump water to the water treatment facility but operation of the pump stations will remain the responsibility of the individual towns.

The total cost of all project components was approximately $16.5 million, which was partially funded with a low interest SRF loan. By constructing a regional facility, the towns were able to save over $4.9 million in design and construction costs in comparison to individual treatment facilities.

On-Call Water Engineering Services, Franklin, NH

FranklinNH_water treatment facility

Tata & Howard has been assisting the City of Franklin, New Hampshire with general water engineering services since 2009. The Tata & Howard team has managed several phases of work, including the design and construction of the water treatment plant and distribution system improvements.

The first phase was the design and construction of 2,500 linear feet of water main on Hill Road to connect a new water treatment plant to the City’s distribution system.  This project also involved use of four bioretention systems to treat and manage stormwater from the roadway, and was constructed in 2010.

The second phase of our work with the City included the design and construction of two parallel 2,500 LF sections of 12-inch diameter HDPE crossings beneath the Pemigewasset River using horizontal directional drilling to transport water from the City’s Franklin Falls Well to the water treatment plant site.

Tata & Howard managed the survey and geophysical studies and prepared a Preliminary Design Report and Environmental Review documents for several phases of work.  The City’s wells are surrounded by lands controlled by the US Army Corps of Engineers, which required that we complete an extensive permitting process to secure permissions for the final design of the project.

Tata & Howard completed design, construction, permitting, and funding applications for a 1,000 gallons per minute groundwater treatment plant to remove iron and manganese from three of the City’s wells. The plant has four pressure filters containing Greensand Plus media and using sodium hypochlorite for oxidation and sodium carbonate (soda ash) for pH adjustment. This plant went online July 9, 2012.

Tata & Howard provided design services for the construction of a new prestressed concrete tank at the site of an existing tank. The existing tank was in poor condition and due to the site characteristics, it was determined that construction of the new tank on the existing foundation of the old tank would be the best option.  A second tank on the site was demolished in 2013 and a new prestressed concrete tank will be constructed in its place.

Tata & Howard also conducted a full water system analysis for the City of Franklin, New Hampshire by utilizing our proprietary Capital Efficiency Plan™ methodology.  Our CEP involved creating a model of all water infrastructure in the City including sources, pump stations, treatment facilities, storage facilities, transmission, and distribution lines. Using our GIS modeling software, the system was calibrated based on fire flows in an attempt to accurately replicate the existing system. We then pinpointed deficiencies within the system based on a custom rating scale given to multiple criteria such as age, break history, material type, criticality and size. Recommendations were made for improvements in order of need. The study renewed both above ground and below ground assets. Funding for this study was in part from an Asset Management Planning Grant from NHDES.


Water Main and Drainage Pipe, Monson, MA


This project included installation of 850 linear feet of 8-inch diameter water main, installation of 450 linear feet of new drainage, sidewalks, and roadway reconstruction on Park Avenue. The work included temporary bypass piping for the duration of the project. The project was funded by a CDBG grant.

Tata & Howard also provided engineering services for the installation of new 8-inch diameter water mains on Green Street, Lincoln Street, and Squier Avenue.  The project included the installation of drainage pipe and catch basins as well as roadway reconstruction and new sidewalks. The project was funded by a CDBG Grant.

Water Main Replacement, Auburn, MA

Phase I services included engineering services for bid, award, construction administration and resident observation services for approximately 6,500 linear feet of 12-inch water main and 750 linear feet of 8-inch diameter water main for a water main replacement project on Packachoag Street.

Phase II services included engineering design, bid and award, and construction administration and resident observation services for approximately 5,000 linear feet of 8-inch water main. Both phases are funded by the USDA Rural Development program.

Water Storage Tank, Booster Pump Station, New Water Main, and Distribution System Upgrades, Spencer, MA

Town of Spencer, MA

SpencerMA water main

Tata & Howard provided construction administration services for a new 0.5 million gallon cast-in-place concrete water storage tank, booster pump station, approximately 12,600 linear feet of new 12-inch diameter water main, and miscellaneous distribution system upgrades. Construction of in-line isolation valves, removal of existing pressure-reducing valve (PRV) vaults, a new system wide SCADA system and new high lift pumps at the water treatment facility and well site were also included in Tata & Howard’s design. The purpose of this project is to separate the current single zone system into two pressure zones as required by an Administrative Consent Order from the MassDEP.

The creation of a two pressure zone system requires the replacement of the existing 200 horsepower (hp) pump at the Meadow Road Water Treatment Facility and 150 hp pump at the Cranberry Brook Well with lower head, high efficiency pumps and motors. The Meadow Road facility is the Town’s primary water supply source; therefore, changing of this pump requires coordination with the Department of Utilities and Facilities and the overall two pressure zone project construction sequencing to minimize the time this source is off-line.

Tata & Howard also verified the Town’s hydraulic model, which was used to select the best location for the new tank and select water main size for transmission and fire protection.  The model was also used to determine the boundary line between the two pressure zones.  A Capital Efficiency Plan™ is currently being prepared.  Assistance will be provided, as needed, for public education of the project and during Town meetings.  This project is being funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the Massachusetts State Revolving Fund (SRF).  Due to an aggressive schedule required under the funding requirements, all design; permitting associated with planning, zoning, and wetlands; and project bidding were completed and approved within a six-month period.

Water Supply Division Sanitary Survey, Greensboro, VT

New England lake

Tata & Howard first assisted the District with responses to the Water Supply Division Sanitary Survey and then developed alternatives for the long term plan that would address all of the deficiencies and meet compliance with the Federal and State drinking water rules.

The issues were as follows:

  • Wooden roof over concrete storage tank
  • Inadequate disinfection system and metering of source
  • Inadequate system pressures at the highest points within the system
  • Water losses
  • Inadequate metering of sources of supply to the storage tank
  • Inadequate distribution piping for fire flows.

The solutions developed were as follows:

  • Design and installation of concrete precast cover on storage tank
  • Design of new building at storage tank with flow measurement and disinfection and better storage tank access for cleaning
  • Virtual abandonment of auxiliary springs and surface water emergency source
  • Design  of  water  main  replacement  to  meet  required  system  pressures  for compliance with the drinking water standards and rules
  • Locating, permitting and developing a new source of supply (well) to supplement the  existing  wells  and  virtually  eliminate  the  old  spring  sources  due  to  the potential for contamination that had occurred in the past.
  • Securing the maximum amount of grant funding available to the District at 45% with the remainder a low interest loan.

Water Supply Upgrades, Canaan, VT

Water Supply Upgrades

Canaan Fire Districts (FD) #1 and #2, Canaan, VT

canaan vt river

Tata & Howard provided engineering services associated with water supply upgrades for Canaan FD #1 & #2. These two districts are located about 1.5 miles apart, meet monthly, and have one operator. For FD#2, located in Beecher Falls, VT, Tata & Howard completed construction of a new  concrete storage tank, well upgrades, and  distribution system improvements including significant replacement of pipe. Tata & Howard was able to secure a 75% grant for the project which resulted in little impact to their water rates.

Fire District #2

FD#2 has 100 customers. The issues included inadequate system pressures, inadequate storage tank, inadequate disinfection system, and leaky pipes.

Tata & Howard developed solutions that included the following:

  • A new storage tank at an elevation that would eliminate all pressure issues
  • Distribution piping replacement and addition of hydrants of flushing and fire protection
  • Reduction in water losses allowing for reduced well pump size, resulting in lower annual power and chemical costs

Fire District #1 

FD#1 has two sources of supply. One is a large spring system located in Canada which consists of  ten springs connected together, all under the influence of surface water and the other is a high yielding well source in the town limits. The issues are inadequate spring source construction and ability to maintain, low system pressures across the State line (they provide water service to West Stewartstown, NH), inadequate flushing capabilities, inadequate distribution piping, high iron and manganese levels in well source, and inadequate storage tank.

The solutions include the following:

  • Elimination of the spring sources due to Canadian border issues and high cost for upgrading the springs and connection piping
  • Installation of filtration system to meet the standards for FE and MN
  • Construction of new larger water storage tank
  • Development of a second emergency supply
  • Improvements to distribution piping

In addition, we completed a feasibility study.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades, Lyndon, VT


Tata & Howard provided evaluation, planning, funding assistance, design, and construction phase engineering services for an upgrade to the 30-year old 0.750 MGD Extended Aeration Activated Sludge Treatment facility including conversion to Anoxic/Oxic activated sludge process to allow more operations’ flexibility, reduce construction and annual O&M costs, and prepare for potential nutrient removal.  Improvements consisted of the construction of four anoxic basins and four oxic basins, replacement of clarifiers, addition of five blowers, new electrical and control building, new heating system, new influent pumps, headworks influent screen followed by grit removal, centrifuge for sludge dewatering and post sludge dry storage building for the Class A Sludge. The project was funded by a USDA Rural Development loan and grant.