NPDES Phase II Small MS4 General Permit Annual Report Services
The purpose of the MS4 annual report is to document the status of NPDES Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) implementation with information including the following:
A self-assessment review of compliance with the permit conditions;
An assessment of the appropriateness of the selected BMPs;
An assessment of the progress towards achieving the measurable goals;
A summary of results of any information that has been collected and analyzed;
A discussion of activities for the next reporting cycle;
A discussion of any changes in identified BMPs or measurable goals; and
Reference to any reliance on another entity for achieving any measurable goal.
Tata & Howard has provided MS4 Annual Report services to the following municipalities:
Dover, Massachusetts
Tata & Howard assists the Town of Dover, MA with MS4 compliance. Services have included completion of the annual report, facilitation of an educational training session with municipal leaders, review and updating of stormwater infrastructure, and education on the upcoming MS4 Permit. We are currently assisting them with preparing the Notice of Intent required for coverage under the new 2016 Massachusetts MS4 General Permit.
Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts
Tata & Howard reviewed stormwater information and provided a Year 11 annual report to the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA.
Leicester, Massachusetts
Tata & Howard assists the Town of Leicester, MA with MS4 compliance. Services have included creation of an IDDE program including written statement of IDDE responsibilities, outfall inspection and mapping, and educational presentation to Town leaders on illicit connections. In addition, Tata & Howard helped the Town create and pass a bylaw related to illicit connections required by the MS4 Permit and produced the MS4 Annual Report for the Town. We are currently assisting them with preparing the Notice of Intent required for coverage under the new 2016 Massachusetts MS4 General Permit. Moving forward, we will be assisting the Town with additional mapping and catchment area identification.
Tata & Howard provides ongoing stormwater engineering services to the Town of Leicester, Massachusetts in support of their status as a NPDES Phase II Municipal Separate Storm System (MS4) community. Work involves outfall mapping and inspection, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, development of Annual Reports, and compliance with documentation and reporting components of the MS4 Permit.
In addition, Tata & Howard assisted the Town of Leicester Highway Department with mapping and inspection of stormwater outfalls and produced a unique record of each outfall, including photographs. Tata & Howard also developed a report summarizing the outfall inspections.
Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition (CMRSWC)
Tata & Howard is working with communities in south-central Massachusetts under a project funded by a Community Innovation Challenge (CIC) Grant. Of more than 120 applications received, this stormwater project was one of few that was fully funded, which demonstrates the importance of the work and the value to the region. This project, which is supported by MassDEP, DCR, Blackstone River Coalition, and many others, is highly regarded in the industry. Tata & Howard moderated several workshops with participating communities to determine the most essential tasks for this project as well as the critical content of each task. Based on the needs identified by these workshops, the project includes 31 key tasks, detailed below, all of which are directly related to stormwater:
Click on the CMRSWC logo to visit their website.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Template
Develop a Methodology to Reach a Common Benchmark (Standard Operating Procedures)
Develop a Training DVD/CD
Initial Development and Ongoing Maintenance of an Educational Website
Develop a Sump Pump Discharge Policy, a Salt/Sand Application Decision Tree, and a Stormwater BMP Toolbox
Develop a Request for Proposals for General Consulting Services
Develop Online Database for Data Management
Integrate Stormwater System Mapping
Cost/Benefit Analysis of a Regional Stormwater Laboratory
Develop a Drainage Extension Approach that Mirrors Inflow Data and Priorities
Develop Facility-Specific Figures for Incorporation into the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Template
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Documentation Packet
Purchase and Set-Up of Two Leica CS25 Vivas
In-The-Field Training on PeopleForms with Tablet Devices
Expand Year One Tasks to 17 Additional Communities
Expand FY 2012 Integrated Mapping with Additional Infrastructure
Training on Water Quality Sampling
Industrial Stormwater (MSGP) Review
Conduct Steering Committee Meetings
New Permit (Draft) Workshop and Comments
One-on-One Consulting Time
Stormwater Budget Analysis
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