Earth Day: Environmental Stewardship of Water Engineers

As Earth Day approaches, it serves as an essential reminder to recognize the tireless efforts taken behind the scenes to protect our planet’s most precious resource: water. Our work at T&H isn’t just a profession, nor does it end once we clock out; it’s a calling and a duty. It’s a passion and responsibility to uphold the very principles of environmental stewardship and sustainability every day.

But how exactly do we uphold environmental values year-round?

Striving for Sustainable Solutions

As we continue to experience rapid environmental transformations due to climate change and pollution, we have no other option than to make the fight for economic and resource conservation take on a more aggressive approach. At Tata & Howard, we continue to be industry leaders on sustainability, placing environmentalism at the forefront of every project we take on. Whether it’s providing an innovative and effective water and wastewater Capital Efficiency Plan™ (CEP), providing site stormwater management and funding assistance, designing efficient solutions that incorporate green initiatives with the future in mind, or any one of our many services, our goal remains to minimize environmental impact while meeting societal needs.

Compliant with Environmental Regulations

However, we can’t do our part successfully without recognizing the pivotal role environmental standards and regulations play. By fostering a deep understanding of the intricacies of environmental regulations and standards, we are able to meticulously navigate this maze and ensure that every project is compliant. Since we’re conducting thorough environmental assessments, like water audits or utility asset management, monitoring pollutant levels, and implementing best practices, we are able to better safeguard water quality and environmental health while checking each mandated box.

T&H also continues to be proactive in implementing federal and state stormwater management programs, such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s NPDES Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) program and its Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP).

Conservation Advocacy

As it stands today, the world loses approximately seven billion gallons of water a day. (Yes, a day.) So while we know that striving for sustainable solutions and compliance with environmental regulations both play large roles in our environmental efforts, we recognize that conservation advocacy is also crucial.

Given our tenure in the industry, we’re able to use our experience to create efficiency plans for businesses and communities, support water preservation and accessibility campaigns, and educate our community on the value of water conservation efforts, among other things. Through educational programs, community projects, and collaborative partnerships, we have the power (and duty) to empower communities to embrace water-saving behaviors, implement water-efficient technologies, and promote mindful resource usage.

Conservation advocacy isn’t just one component of our work; it’s a cornerstone that drives our efforts to protect our planet’s most precious resource for future generations.

ESOP Culture

At T&H, we wholeheartedly believe that together, we can build a brighter, more sustainable future for all. It’s why we are proud to be 100% employee-owned. Our status as an ESOP gives our approach to environmental efforts a bit of an edge. Each and every one of our team members is invested in our success and long-term viability as employee-owners. Because of this shared ownership, departments are able to collaborate and communicate openly, exchanging ideas and insights. As a result, we have an abundance of collective knowledge and experience that we use to our advantage when developing more creative and practical solutions for the communities we serve. Employees with ESOP status are encouraged to go above and beyond in their job and increase our potential to implement greener initiatives that meaningfully contribute to protecting the future of our world by leveraging the power of knowledge and collaboration.

Water Engineers’ Role as Guardians of Public Health

While water engineers are the backbone of ensuring safe and sustainable water management practices, they’re also most likely to be some of the more passionate environmentalists you’ll meet. Every day, water engineers work tirelessly to preserve and defend our waterways, taking painstaking care to ensure each drop is protected and used responsibly.

Given that they spend their careers preserving our waterways, it’s fair to say that water engineers embody environmentalism at its core. Water engineers are exceptional at sourcing, designing, and implementing sustainable solutions and systems that not only meet the needs of our communities but also minimize environmental impact. Whether it’s implementing cutting-edge water treatment technologies, integrating green infrastructure to manage stormwater, or advocating for water reuse initiatives, their goal remains the same: to provide clean and accessible water to all.


As we continue to plan for the future of our water systems, we remain committed to our mission of supporting Earth Day and its principles every day. Through our dedication to sustainability, advocacy for conservation, and adherence to regulatory compliance, we strive to make a positive impact on the health of our planet and the well-being of future generations.

At T&H, we know that together, we can ensure that every drop of water is treated with the respect and care it deserves. Water is the essence of life, and our commitment to preserving it and making it accessible for all guides everything we do. From designing state-of-the-art water treatment plans to implementing innovative stormwater management solutions, our projects are driven by a deep-seated calling (call it destiny) to play our role as global citizens.

Smart Capital Planning for Water and Wastewater Utilities

For a waterworks system to ensure reliable, long-lasting services, it’s critical that a fundamental component be efficient resource allocation. By incorporating capital efficiency plans, master plans, and a methodical capital planning process, utilities are able to navigate the complexities of their industry, not only by enabling them to strategically allocate resources and address dire infrastructure needs but also by meeting the persistent demands of evolving environmental regulations.

As we forge ahead, smart capital planning remains the compass that guides utilities towards a future where access to clean water is not just a necessity but a sustainable and well-managed reality.

Capital Efficiency Plans (CEPs): The Blueprint for Resource Organization

Capital Efficiency Plans (CEPs) at T&H follow a standard Venn diagram method. For every water main segment, there are three sets of evaluation criteria: key components, asset management, and hydraulic modeling.

With each set comes its own set of unique drawbacks, and it’s where the three overlap that the system’s weak points are put on display. If it seems that the weaknesses meet more than one set of criteria, then they are swiftly prioritized above the others as they require the most attention. By choosing this type of visual method, CEPs can quickly and justifiably pinpoint areas of criticality, allowing utilities to make a targeted plan of attack.

To put it simply, CEPs are a vital element of smart capital planning because they provide utilities with a strategic roadmap leading them towards the treasure trove of resource optimization. CEPs prioritize resource allocation by identifying the projects that will offer the greatest impact on efficiency (in other words, the ones that require the most attention), while also evaluating any potential risks such as regulatory changes and environmental challenges.

By streamlining capital investments, utilities can ensure cost-efficiency while also maintaining and improving their service standards and mitigating any potential, unforeseen issues.

Master Plans: The “What, When, and How” for Sustainable Development

A water master plan is essentially what it sounds like: a blueprint for sustainably managing and using water resources within a specific region. Diving deeper, a water master plan is a detailed framework that takes a variety of factors into account, like evaluating the current water supply, demand forecasts, infrastructure development, conservation tactics, financial planning, and environmental impact evaluations, to name a few.

Water, after all, is our lifeblood; without it, we could not sustain ourselves, our ecosystems, or our industries. It’s no secret that water utilities are often the ones on the front lines battling mitigation efforts, a lack of funding, and a complex web of other responsibilities. This juggling act often means that they need to know the “what, when, and how” as soon as possible: what do they need to do? When do they need to do it? How are they going to pay for it?

A water master plan has three main components: infrastructure assessment, data collection and analysis, and long-term goals. The first step is an infrastructure assessment that will evaluate the current water systems and infrastructure, including a review of pipelines, treatment plants, distribution networks, storage facilities, etc. This comprehensive evaluation will also be able to identify any infrastructure needs, such as maintenance, upgrades, or expansions.

The second step in any effective master plan is data collection and analysis. The master plan is constructed by using the initial assessment’s findings as its foundation—everything from demographic trends to industry developments can provide crucial information that can lead the plan down the path of success or failure. This step is important because it will influence the master plan. After all, bad data equals bad resource allocation. Thirdly, water master planning needs to extend far beyond the immediate needs; long-term goals are absolutely critical in ensuring the future of sustainable water management and utilization.

The heart of a water master plan is straightforward: ensure that water resources are allocated fairly, address critical issues like population growth and climate change, and establish a robust, accessible, and dependable water delivery system. Because at the end of the day, a water master plan promotes long-term water security, the health of people and ecosystems, and effective water management by integrating technical, economic, and environmental concerns.

Capital Planning

Utilities use the capital planning process, a structured methodology, to identify, prioritize, and allocate resources for capital projects. By addressing present demands and preparing for upcoming obstacles, this strategy helps utilities to align investments with strategic objectives. It starts with a thorough evaluation of the state of the infrastructure, which paves the way for the identification of priority projects that solve short-term issues and support long-term objectives.

An essential part of the planning process is estimating the price of proposed capital projects. Utilities use financial analysis to evaluate project viability and pinpoint possible funding sources, and a detailed risk assessment is carried out in order to identify and minimize any issues that could affect the success of capital projects. Investment resilience is increased by proactive risk management.

A financial analysis can help utilities determine just how feasible their projects are and aid in the search for funding by assessing their weaknesses in order to foresee any challenges that could impact the project’s success. Important stakeholders are then consulted to ensure the process takes into account a variety of viewpoints and community requirements. This cooperative and collaborative strategy not only promotes transparency, but it also has the power to greatly increase stakeholder trust.


In the face of a constantly evolving environment while meeting complex regulatory and social dynamics, there is no denying that smart capital planning is essential for the sustainable development of water and wastewater utilities. To put it succinctly, in order to have sustainable development, management, protection, and distribution of water and wastewater utilities, extensive planning is non-negotiable. Combined with ever-changing technology, utilities are further empowered to adapt and thrive.

By incorporating capital efficiency plans, master plans, and a methodical capital planning process, utilities can navigate the complexities with far more ease and effectively meet the needs of their communities.

Knowledge is Power: Understanding PFAS and the Role of Water Utilities

Often in times of innovation, we as a society face unintended consequences. One that has held our attention for quite some time is the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in our water sources. PFAS are commonly found in everyday products and have made their way into our water supplies, posing a significant threat to public health.

In the ongoing battle against PFAS, water utilities have found themselves on the front lines, battling mitigation efforts, a lack of funding, and a complex web of responsibilities.

Understanding PFAS

PFAS are manufactured compounds that are characterized by their strong carbon-fluorine bonds, making them resistant to heat, water, and oil. (So right off the bat we know that we don’t want these anywhere near our water supply.) While these properties have led to widespread use in manufacturing, they have also led to contamination in our water supplies thanks to industrial discharges, firefighting activities, and the destruction of consumer products.

Despite being in use for the past eight decades, these synthetic toxins are still categorized as emerging contaminants. For context, emerging contaminants are grouped into eight main categories: pharmaceuticals, PCPs, hormones and steroids, disinfectants, flame retardants, herbicides and pesticides, industrial additives, and gasoline additives.

This classification represents the lack of necessary regulatory limits for how much of these compounds can legally be in public drinking water. Since it is virtually impossible to destroy them (and it can be even harder to completely avoid them), the possibility of producing adverse side effects over time is high, with the potential to cause severe complications in both the environment and within the human body.

So, where can PFAS most commonly be found today?

  • Soil, water, and/or PFAS-containing equipment and materials from PFAS-grown agricultural products.
  • Drinking polluted groundwater from stormwater runoff near landfills, wastewater treatment plants, and firefighter training facilities.
  • Household items such as nonstick products (e.g., Teflon), polishes, waxes, paints, cleaning agents, and fabrics with stain and water repellency.
  • Firefighting foams expelled at airports and military bases during firefighting exercises.
  • Industrial facilities that utilize PFAS when manufacturing chrome plating, electronics, and oil recovery.

Mitigation Efforts

The role water utilities play in mitigating PFAS contamination simply cannot be overstated. In order to protect the community from contamination, utilities require a robust toolbelt: a combination of advanced technologies, vigorous monitoring and reporting systems, and extensive regulatory frameworks.

There’s also the option for more advanced treatment technologies, like activated carbon filtration and ion exchange, that can be used when trying to eliminate these toxic, persistent substances. Activated carbon filtration is when water passes through a bed of activated carbon particles that aid in absorbing PFAS contaminants. Ion exchange is another similar method that instead replaces the PFAS ions with less harmful ones, helping to reduce contamination levels.

Utilities take it one step further by conducting routine monitoring and testing at the sources, as it is crucial to being able to identify contamination early on and act fast. Combined with ongoing research, utilities are able to keep themselves on top of their mitigation practices and existing technologies.

Funding Difficulties

Now, we know that water utilities receive very limited funding and are the ones left behind to clean up the mess (pun intended). While grants can be incredibly helpful, they’re not guaranteed and can be far and few between.

In the summer of 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) introduced new health advisories related to PFAS contamination in public drinking water. This act aligned with President Biden’s initiative to provide clean drinking water to the American people, alongside an initial $1 billion grant, which was part of a larger $5 billion initiative. The grant was extended nationwide and was designated for comprehensive water testing, technical support, contractor training, and other essential action items. In addition, President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests $9 billion over five years to help communities that are on the frontlines of PFAS and other contamination reduce levels in drinking water.

However, $1–9 billion simply won’t cut it.

The insufficient amount is hardly enough to supply testing on a national scale, a necessary feat in rectifying almost 100 years of damage from PFAS contamination. Water utilities are then forced in between a rock and a hard place, leaving them with limited funds and ill-equipped to fix the contaminated waterways. The responsibility, unfortunately, falls onto utilities, when in reality, it should fall on the corporations that originally introduced PFAS, given the years of profiting from these compounds.

We’ve entered a time where it is now up to these corporations to contribute to the cleanup of our land and water, especially considering that public water systems are often the ones burdened with the financial repercussions.

Role of Manufacturers

Manufacturers, who have historically utilized PFAS in their products, play a significant role in addressing the contamination crisis. Even while advancements in alternative chemicals are currently underway, the responsibility to rectify the issue should really fall on to those who have played a hand in its creation. (Essentially, you break it, you buy it!)

As we know, the costs of detecting, treating, and preventing PFAS contamination place a hefty burden on water utilities. Manufacturers can help alleviate this financial strain. And besides, if manufacturers can express transparent acknowledgment of their past actions and make a full commitment to not only rectifying their wrongdoings but fronting the bills, it would build trust among the consumers and communities affected, making it some sort of a win-win.


In the face of PFAS contamination, knowledge is indeed power. Water utilities are armed with an understanding of the issue and have accepted their mission as the bodyguards of public health.

However, the challenges they face, including a lack of proper funding and the need for cooperation from manufacturers, often put a spotlight on the complexity of the issue. It is crucial for us as a society to recognize the shared responsibility in addressing PFAS contamination, making the intentional effort towards collaboration between stakeholders to make sure the burden does not disproportionately fall on those working diligently to provide safe and clean water to communities.

Through collective efforts and informed decision-making, we can pave the way for a sustainable and PFAS-free future.

Water Utilities: Working Toward a Healthier Future

In today’s modern world, it’s fair to say that water utilities operate as the guardians of public health, constantly staying vigilant against threats to water quality, safety, and accessibility.

While their efforts may often go unnoticed by the general public, behind the scenes, water utilities are continuously improving their systems and operations to enhance safety and health standards for the public. From infrastructure upgrades and quality testing to innovative solutions and emergency preparedness, all are instrumental in enhancing the overall well-being of our community.

Infrastructure Upgrades

Water utilities’ relentless pursuit of minimizing leaks, contamination risks, and disruptions in water supply are at the forefront of modernization, specifically when it comes to the upgrading of pipelines, treatment plants, and distribution system components. With these crucial infrastructure updates, often a product of the combined efforts of water audits and utility management, utilities are able to decrease the need for new sources, treatment plants, facility upgrades, and expansions and reduce the number of entry points for disease-causing pathogens.

Through these passion-fueled, robust efforts, these upgrades become the backbone of a resilient and reliable water infrastructure, further increasing the safety and accessibility of public water.

Quality Testing and Monitoring

Ensuring the safety of water begins with a commitment to quality testing and monitoring. Water utilities that conduct meticulous lead inventories and testing procedures are able to swiftly identify potential risks, because as we know, lead is not our friend. By vigilantly tracking water quality, utilities safeguard communities from the harmful effects of these contaminants. They also maintain a constant awareness of the condition of our public infrastructure, gaining insights into both successes and areas that require improvement.

According to the World Health Organization, one million people die every year due to lead poisoning. Whether it’s from industrial settings, like mining and smelting, or paint and plumbing in older homes, lead poisoning maintains its spot as a high risk that can be mitigated by routine replacement of lead service lines.

Innovative Solutions

The relentless pursuit of improvement and modernization embraced by Tata & Howard helps water utilities further pave the way towards embracing more cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions. In addition, Tata & Howard is a 100% Employee Stock Owned Plan (ESOP) company, meaning that the collaborative nature of the client-ESOP firm relationship allows for both parties to explore and embrace more unconventional, innovative solutions: solutions such as advanced filtration systems and real-time monitoring, both of which can also be catered to our customers’ specific and individual needs.

Emergency Preparedness

As “guardians of public health,” water utilities also serve as sentinels, always prepared for the unexpected. The level of preparedness in their Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) allows for a swift and coordinated response to natural disasters, industrial accidents, or disruptions in the water supply.

In fact, all public water suppliers are required to have ERPs in place. Public water systems in Massachusetts are also obligated to conduct a minimum of 10 hours of Emergency Response training each year for their employees which plays a crucial role in enabling water system managers and staff to identify vulnerabilities, implement improvements, and establish effective procedures to be followed in case of an emergency.

The (mandated) preparation, continuous updating, and execution of a response plan are essential for strengthening system security, reducing property damage, minimizing liability, preventing illnesses, and saving lives.


As water utilities continue to evolve and collaborate on the continuous efforts of upgrading infrastructure, embracing innovation, and prioritizing emergency preparedness, the more secure they — and we as a community — are in the vital role they play in ensuring the availability and accessibility of clean and safe water.

Amidst the challenges we face as we navigate the modern world, let us not forget to acknowledge the relentless dedication of these guardians – the water utilities that quietly, yet profoundly, secure the health and safety of the communities they serve.

ESOP Culture: A Spirit of Philanthropy

Within the dynamic world of business culture, the idea of philanthropy has transformed beyond the conventional ideas of charitable giving. One unique shape the spirit of corporate philanthropy has taken on is in the form of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) companies. These kinds of organizations grant their employees a stake in the ownership of the company and often exemplify a commitment to shared success and community impact.

Tata & Howard is proud to say that we have been 100% employee-owned since 2014.

Philanthropy: A Pillar in the ESOP Foundation

A profound way in which ESOPs embody philanthropy is through the empowerment of their team members. By granting employees ownership stakes and allowing them a seat at the table, these companies provide a direct link between individual effort and collective success. For employees, having a sense of ownership can inspire a strong work ethic and a shared commitment to the company’s success, ultimately resulting in increased productivity and innovation (not to mention high retention rates and overall morale!).

Even more, the philanthropic spirit within ESOPs often extends far beyond the workplace and into the broader community. As employees witness the positive impact of their collective efforts, a culture of giving back often emerges, with many ESOP companies actively engaging in community service, charitable initiatives, and support for local causes. The idea of shared ownership naturally paves the way to a shared responsibility for the well-being of the community at large, embodying a model of corporate philanthropy that goes beyond just monetary donations.

Philanthropy: The T&H Way

At the heart of T&H lies a profound belief that resonates with the very essence of ESOP companies: the unwavering conviction that every individual should have the right to access clean drinking water.

In the water and wastewater industry, the impact on the environment and public health is profound. ESOPs, like T&H, recognize this impact and actively engage in initiatives that prioritize ethical considerations, environmental sustainability, and community well-being, with these actions often reverberating far beyond profit margins.

Water for People

One of T&H’s favorite charities is Water for People.

Water for People’s mission is as straightforward as their name: to provide everyone with sustainable, clean drinking water. With this partnership, T&H staff members have the ability to donate straight from their paychecks, with the company matching 100% of each dollar donated. As a water engineering firm, we know firsthand the hardships disadvantaged communities experience due to a lack of clean drinking water. As it stands today, there are approximately two billion people worldwide who do not have that necessary access.

Through their efforts, Water for People ensures that donated funds reach families, clinics, and schools alike, bridging access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services for those living in Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Tanzania, and India. In 2022 alone, Water for People and their supporters have successfully brought improved water sources to over 220,000 people across over 500 different communities.

HopeWell Services

Every holiday season, T&H partners with HopeWell Services, an organization that provides disadvantaged children with gifts along with so much more. Each T&H team member has the opportunity to select an ornament from a giving tree that holds a child’s holiday wish list. The team member then shops accordingly, and then all gifts are delivered to the children.

Both T&H and HopeWell recognize the transformative power of collective action and shared prosperity, with the goal of bringing everyone the right to access clean water and joy during the holiday season. Together, our combined initiatives highlight the profound impact that can be achieved when organizations, irrespective of their nature, come together with a shared vision of making a positive difference in the lives of their local community.

Worcester County Food Bank

As an ESOP, T&H is deeply committed to shared ownership and responsibility, even mirroring the ethos of the Worcester County Food Bank (WCFB) in addressing critical needs. Each Thanksgiving, T&H drives a collaborative, company-wide initiative to donate to the WCFB, one of only three Feeding America member food banks in the entire state of Massachusetts. In fact, in 2018 alone, the WCFB was able to distribute nearly 6.1 million pounds of food to approximately 75,000 people throughout the county.

October was ESOP Month, a month dedicated to recognizing their significance in the corporate world, their role in fostering innovative corporate philanthropic efforts, and the people who make these kinds of companies sustainable. As part of the month-long celebration, T&H initiated a month-long food drive for the WCFB — and as always, employee-owners stepped up to the plate in a big way.


As steadfast advocates for sustainable water practices, we recognize the transformative power of shared ownership embedded in the ESOP model. This kind of unique approach to corporate structure cultivates a sense of collective responsibility among employees who are not merely contributors but beneficial owners. Through our alignment with the principles of ESOPs, we contribute to a narrative of shared responsibility, where the right to clean water and other basic human rights is not just a belief but a collective endeavor that transcends the boundaries of business to foster a resilient and caring community and create a lasting, positive impact.

Benefits of Working with a Small Engineering Firm

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses operate 84.8% of establishments while employing 54.3% of workers. So, what is it about small businesses that attract over half of the workforce and make up the majority of establishments? For employees seeking a meaningful career and for clients in search of personalized and effective solutions, working for and with a small firm provides a myriad of benefits that often rise above the conventional expectations that come with larger corporations.

Let’s explore the dual joys of being an employee in a small firm and a client seeking the unique advantages we as a small firm bring to the table.

For Employees

Ability to Embrace Innovation through Varied Roles and Responsibilities

Working for a small business or firm provides employees with a unique opportunity to wholeheartedly embrace innovation and creativity. When embracing this level of ethos, small firms are able to foster an environment where every voice is heard. This mindset empowers employees to don multiple hats, as each person joining the team has their own set of skills, perspectives, and expertise that they can bring to the table.

Each day brings a new set of challenges, creating a dynamic and engaging work environment that offers employees the opportunities to not only lean back on their past experiences, but also learn new skills and provide a “new set of eyes” when interacting with said challenges. These multifaceted roles not only broaden the team’s skillset but also provide a more holistic perspective, inspiring creative and innovative problem-solving, whereas larger corporations and firms may experience more constraints.

Opportunities to Make an Impact

At the heart of our small team lies a collective dedication to a fundamental service: providing communities with clean water. This shared purpose fosters a profound sense of meaning, creating a workforce that is driven by a commitment to our public’s well-being.

Since we are a small firm, our employees and clients are able to consistently make a bigger impact due to having direct access to key decision-makers. Having the opportunity to quickly run new ideas by a key stakeholder allows our team to work more efficiently due to the lack of “hoops” many larger firms often have to jump through, further encouraging innovation and creativity.

This accessibility to decision-makers cultivates a culture of open communication, cutting down on decision-making time. This empowers employees to feel a sense of ownership over their projects, encouraging them to think creatively about solutions and leading them to spend their time working on value-adding tasks and projects.

Added Benefits of ESOP Small Business

And speaking of ownership, all Tata & Howard employees are actually owners, creating even more of an ownership mindset in our organization. Being a 100% Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) provides unique benefits not only to clients who appreciate the effort, attention, and pride of work that comes with ownership, but also to employees who enjoy the financial rewards of ownership.

For Clients

Personalized Service and Direct Communication

There’s a distinct advantage to choosing to work with a small firm, often in the form of more attentive, personal, direct, and customized service. The more intimate nature of small firms can be quite challenging to find in larger corporations, with many lacking direct communication.

With a small firm, direct communication with decision-makers is not only a hallmark, but it also ensures clients that they are more than just another transaction; they are in fact valued partners. This kind of intentional accessibility allows both firm and client to foster a deep understanding of each other’s needs and preferences, making way for service with a level of laser precision that can often go far beyond the standardized solutions larger firms offer.

It’s this level of commitment to customer service and satisfaction that is often ingrained in the ethos of small firms that results in returning customers and more collaborative partnerships.

Cost-Efficient Partnership

Selecting a small firm as a client often means a more cost-efficient partnership compared to working with larger corporations. Small firms often operate with lower overhead costs as they typically have streamlined operations and are laser-focused on efficiency, meaning they can offer more competitive prices.

But, how is that possible?

Small firms can afford to be more flexible, allowing themselves to work around and cater to the specific needs of each client, tailoring services to meet these individual requirements. Unlike larger corporations that may offer standardized solutions at a premium, small firms can provide these services at a more affordable rate.

This level of dependability, innovation, and dedication to going the extra mile when providing a fundamental service allows small firms like T&H to build strong, lasting relationships with satisfied clients.

Entrepreneurial Spirit Leading to Innovative Solutions

It’s not just small firm employees that can benefit from embracing innovation and creativity; clients are encouraged just as much to immerse themselves in a firm’s entrepreneurial culture. The collaborative nature of the client-small firm relationship allows for both parties to embrace more unconventional ideas and solutions, while larger firms may be bound by established processes. The lack of these constraints combined with the fostering of innovation and “out of the box-ness” allows small firms to take more calculated risks when solving problems, which can lead to a more dynamic and proactive approach.


When working for a small firm — particularly an ESOP — employees are valued for their contributions and are empowered to actively participate in the decision-making process. In partnering with a small firm, clients are not just mere recipients of a service but are also active participants in their own problem-solving.

This dual experience of working for and with a small firm invites all parties to a world where innovation, creativity, and collaboration are not only welcomed and encouraged but embraced wholeheartedly. It’s with this level of dedication and prioritization that small firms are able to carve a niche area for themselves, providing a level of service that many large corporations are unable to fulfill.

T&H Honored at MWWA Annual Meeting

On the evening of Friday, November 4, Tata & Howard team members attended the MWWA Annual Meeting, where the team was presented with the Presidential Sponsorship Award recognizing Tata & Howard’s contributions to the industry. Co-President Karen Gracey, P.E. accepted the award on Tata & Howard’s behalf.

In addition, Tata & Howard co-founder Paul Howard, P.E. was presented with an Honorary Member Award for his decades of selfless contributions to the water sector. He was presented the award alongside longtime client Phil Guerin from the City of Worcester, who was also given an Honorary Membership.

Finally, T&H Vice President Jon Gregory, P.E. was elected Third Trustee of MWWA, meaning he will advance to MWWA President in five years. Congratulations to all!

on Gregory, P.E., second from left, was elected Third Trustee at MWWA during the Annual Meeting

T&H Celebrates ESOP Month

There’s more to celebrate during the month of October than pumpkin spice lattes and leaf peeping…it’s ESOP Month!

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are more than just a financial arrangement. They represent a unique and modern take on retirement plans through a highly tax-advantaged plan in which employees own shares through a trust funded by the company. Studies have shown that companies with ESOPs grow almost three times as fast as non-ESOP companies and are able to provide employees with approximately two times the retirement assets.

Beyond the financial aspect, ESOPs promote a rich culture of collaboration and commitment, where employees have a genuine interest in the company’s success, driving them to contribute their best efforts and feel empowered by their commitment.

ESOPs have been an integral part of the Tata & Howard journey as we have been 100% employee-owned since 2014. Since doing so, we have created four dedicated ESOP committees: the ESOP Communications Committee, the Green Committee, the Wellness Committee, and the Philanthropy Committee. Together, these committees work tirelessly, both independently and together, to bring team building and bonding, a sense of community, lighthearted entertainment, and a positive change to the T&H environment.

This month, we want to take this opportunity to recognize their significance and the wonderful people who make them work – our amazing team!

How does T&H embrace ESOP culture?

For starters, outside of ESOP Month, we have monthly planned team activities that focus heavily on philanthropic initiatives and client-centric special events, including a time capsule planting, an annual scholarship, and other team-bonding focused activities like poker nights, and more — all thanks to our ESOP committees!

This month, we have a multitude of fun-packed events that have been perfectly curated for our ESOP family, all based on at least one of our core values.

Month-Long Food Drive

The first week of the month saw the start of our month-long food drive to the Worcester County Food Bank (WCFB). The WCFB is one of only three Feeding America member food banks in the entire state of Massachusetts, providing food to tens of thousands of people every year. At the end of the month, we will weigh the collected donations to see just how much our team was able to rally together for the members of our local community that are experiencing food shortages, all the while demonstrating T&H’s commitment to social responsibility.

Family Feud Competition and Level 99 Adventure

Every Tuesday this October, the T&H crew will break out into teams for the month-long Family Feud competition. We even have our very own Steve Harvey! (pictured below). Not only will the weekly competition serve as a sure-fire cure for any lingering post-Monday blues, it will also foster friendly competition, a sense of togetherness, communication, and of course, a lot of laughter and light hearted entertainment! The competition started on October 3 and the final round will be held on October 24.

As we cannot seem to get enough friendly competition, our team brought their A-game at October 12’s Level 99 event. Level 99 is a one-of-a-kind destination where patrons have access to over 40 themed challenge rooms that are designed to test both their physical and mental capabilities in an effort to win challenges and collect rewards. (Again, have we mentioned just how much the T&H team loves some friendly competition?)

Anniversary Lunch and Website/Movie Premiere

On October 19, 2023, T&H turned 31 years old, so cue the “happy birthday” song! We were founded on October 19, 1992 by Donald J. Tata and Paul B. Howard. This exciting anniversary was celebrated by a company-wide catered lunch where we also discussed important company initiatives. Once the business portion of the day was completed, it was time for the party to start. The company hosted a premiere of both our new website (click around and check it out!) and new corporate video, both in-person and virtual for our team.

Other Planned ESOP Month Events

  • Represent Your Alma Mater Day where our team is encouraged to don a shirt or item of clothing representing their colleges.
  • An Owners Meeting followed by a suspenseful, immersive, and exciting Murder Mystery party.
  • A Halloween-themed party, and more!

This ESOP Month, let’s celebrate the power of shared ownership, dedication, and teamwork. Thank you for being part of our journey and for helping make our company the success that it is today.


The Crucial Role of Utility Asset Management: Providing Reliable Operations and Sustainable Infrastructure

From large power plants to water distribution networks, utility assets form the backbone of our modern-day society. They provide us with the essential services we rely on daily, from electricity to clean water and beyond. However, the sheer scale and complexity of these assets demand a systematic and strategic approach to maximize their optimal performance, safety, and longevity.

This is where asset management comes into play. Utility asset management is not only about providing smooth operations and reliable service delivery, but it also plays a pivotal role in building sustainable, future-ready systems that can withstand the challenges of a dynamic world.

So, let’s get into it!

The Basics: What is Asset Management?

Utility asset management is a systematic process in which utility companies can manage and maintain their physical assets, such as water, gas, electricity, and their corresponding infrastructures. These infrastructures can range from pipelines and power lines to meters and transformers, even staff, encompassing any essential utility delivery service and technology.

Utility asset management takes into account the entire lifecycle of an asset, from acquisition or construction to decommissioning or replacement. This type of “lifecycle evaluation” includes decisions on when to repair, refurbish, or replace assets based on specific factors, such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, and cost-effectiveness.

These programs provide utilities the opportunity to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all of their assets, including location, specifications, maintenance history, and current condition. All of these factors contribute to an effective plan for the safety, efficiency, durability, and reliability of these assets, while also maximizing the value of their investments over the asset’s lifespan.

Now that we’ve covered the what, let’s evaluate the why.

Why is Asset Management Necessary?

Knowledge is Power: A Predictive Maintenance Mindset

Try to think of asset management as a type of predictive maintenance: with asset management, utilities — like water works — can be proactive by utilizing available life cycle data and industry experience to anticipate just when maintenance is needed. These predictions further optimize maintenance schedules and can substantially reduce downtime and operational costs. Additionally, these programs allow for more sustainable infrastructure opportunities by offering details on potential issues, deterioration, or future risks, and provide other guidelines on how to prevent unexpected failures while simultaneously allowing for timely maintenance and/or repair.

High Scalability Meets Compliance Regulations

Asset management has a high scalability, making it a critical tool for all water, wastewater, stormwater, and public works systems, regardless of their size. Due to the adaptiveness of the program, utilities need to align their asset management efforts with relevant industry regulations and standards for optimal safety, environmental compliance, and public welfare. Like any kind of public works, utilities are subject to various environmental regulations that govern emissions, waste disposal, and resource usage.

What may be surprising to some is that utilities must also consider data security and privacy regulations. Protecting sensitive information related to assets, maintenance, and operations is essential to complying with data protection laws and other compliance regulations. (Yes, there’s loads of personally identifiable information on utility bills!)

Utility operations require permits and licenses from regulatory authorities, which are all collected during a preliminary assessment. Since asset management procedures involve tracking and renewing these permits, utilities can rest assured knowing that all necessary legal requirements are met.

By incorporating regulatory compliance into utility asset management, utilities receive continuous monitoring of regulatory changes, and often collaborate with legal and regulatory experts. Integrating compliance considerations into asset management strategies assists utility companies in maintaining operations that are lawful, safe, and environmentally responsible.

Endgame Goals

So, what is the end goal when implementing utility asset management? That’s easy: to continuously improve the reliability, safety, efficiency, and longevity of these assets while also optimizing costs and delivering high-quality services to customers.

Essentially, an effective utility asset management program results in (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Reduced operational costs
  • Improved service reliability
  • Minimized downtime
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Better resource allocation
  • Infrastructure stability
  • Operational resiliency
  • Community sustainability

How Can Tata & Howard Help?

At Tata & Howard, we start off a client’s asset management program by conducting a preliminary assessment of above and below ground infrastructures, staffing, and condition of assets. We review all existing documentation, records, drawings, and reports prior to the preliminary assessment. Once the pre-preliminary assessment has been completed, a site visit is arranged to review all of the utilities’ infrastructures and assets, and data is collected pertaining to equipment type, installation dates, capacities, manufacturers, model and serial numbers, and more; all of which is vital in providing our clients an in-depth and effective report.

So, what happens after our assessment? For starters, we provide utilities a full report on recommendations for prioritizing funds for individual asset replacement based on the criticality of the replacement, the current condition of the asset, its age, and any potential risks. Included is a Five-Year Asset Replacement Plan that includes an estimate of potential construction costs. Our findings and reports help utilities to allocate resources effectively by identifying which assets need immediate attention, which ones can be deferred, and which new investments will bring the most value in terms of performance improvement or cost savings.

In Conclusion

In summary, asset management planning is absolutely critical to the current and future health and maintenance of our utility supplies. It requires a combination of data-driven strategies, technological integration, and informed decision-making so that utility assets perform optimally throughout their lifecycle. At Tata & Howard, our team specializes in comprehensive utility asset management solutions. With years of experience, our team of experts is dedicated to delivering exceptional utility asset management services that empower water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities and companies to operate efficiently, meet regulatory requirements, and contribute to the well-being of the communities they serve.


How Advanced Metering Infrastructure Helps Water Systems Recapture Lost Revenue

According to the National Geographic Society, only 3% of our planet’s water is freshwater, and only 1.2% of that is safe for drinking. As our planet continues to experience climate change at alarming rates, the higher the demand is for clean drinking water. Meanwhile, our drinking water supplies continue to shrink. It is now more imperative than ever for us to focus our attention on sustaining our already limited water supplies.

AMR and AMI: What’s the Difference?

Automated meter reading (AMR) is a system that automatically collects data pertaining to the consumption of water and then sends the collected information to a centralized database where it is analyzed and used for billing purposes. AMR systems typically refer to a mobile or drive-by meter reading system.  This technological system replaces the need for a physical visual inspection and access to the customer’s property.  AMR systems, when reviewed with proper analysis, can greatly help both utility providers and customers to have better control over the use and production of their utilities.

An AMR fixed network is often referred to as an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and allows for real-time consumption readings, rather than relying on a technician to physically read meters.  AMI is a bit more technologically advanced than a mobile AMR system; the development of AMI has actually extended AMR technology by allowing a two-way communication system that has the ability to send and receive real-time water usage readings but can also receive and act on instructions and program changes sent from the meter reading software to the customers meter. These commands can be time-based pricing data, demand-response actions, remote service disconnects, and can even send alarms for leak detection, reverse flow, tamper, and other utility issues.

In today’s world, the data from an AMR system or AMI, whether mobile or fixed, is crucial. In the United States, seven billion gallons of clean, treated drinking water are lost every day. The lost water, or non-revenue water (NRW), is often a result of leaking pipes, water main breaks, theft, and improper accounting of water. Water audits are a phenomenal resource to help identify causes and costs that come with water loss, provide solutions for repairs and maintenance, and a higher return on investment.

In tandem with water audits, AMI offers providers the opportunity to learn more about their water usage (and therefore loss), and in turn be able to use that information to dispatch repair crews more quickly, reduce the number of outages and customer disputes, and leave room for further operational efficiencies. For customers, AMI provides them accurate and timely billing, more control over their consumptions and costs, and higher rates of customer satisfaction.

AMI Real Life Application

Tata & Howard, Inc. completed a water audit of a distribution system using data from 2013 to 2015. We used the American Water Works Association M36 water audit methods and found that the Town had nearly 400mg in NRW over the three years, equating to approximately $1,137,000 in lost revenue.

Let that number sink in.

As part of the water audit, we were able to help the Town find that an overwhelming amount of NRW loss was due to customer meter reading and billing errors. Our team was able to recommend administering a customer meter testing and replacement program, replacing their current customer billing system, implementing an AMI technology, and further documenting any unbilled or unmetered water use.

Tata & Howard has extensive experience working with municipalities and water companies to determine sources of water loss and with implementing AMI to mitigate losses. Contact us to learn how we can help your system save water — and money.