Mission Critical Storage Tanks, SLVHCS, New Orleans, LA

CLIENT: NBBJ, Columbus, Ohio

PROJECT: Mission critical storage tank systems for Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System (SLVHCS)

hospital new orleans
SLVHCS in New Orleans, LA

THE CHALLENGE: SLVHCS is the successor to the VA Medical Center, which was decimated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The new hospital requirements included green building practices and resiliency during natural disasters, including the ability to remain operational for at least five days with enough provisions and accommodations for up to 1,000 staff and patients in case of a major disaster.

The atrium of Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System
The atrium of SLVHCS

THE SOLUTION: Tata & Howard provided design and construction administration services on specific components of the mission critical storage tanks, which include a domestic water tank, sewage holding tank, cooling tower process and bleed water tank, and fire protection water tank. Our design of specific components of the mission critical tanks included coating, waterproofing, mixing, pumping, bacteria control, odor control, venting, piping to five feet outside the tanks, and instrumentation and control. Specific design elements for resiliency and green design included the following:

  • Domestic Water Tank system instrumentation/controls include storage tank level measurement and control of inlet/outlet valves. The system also includes ultraviolet disinfection of all potable water pumped from the storage tank into the hospital.
  • Sewage Holding Tank is waterproof and its control system to provide automated response to an event using electrically actuated valves that direct the sewage from the gravity system to the holding tank. After the event, the system will turn the pumps on and transfer the sewage to the City’s system. A water spray system will automatically wash down the empty tank.
  • Cooling Tower Make-up Water Tank is waterproof and its control system design provides electrically actuated valves to receive rainwater from the building roof drains, condensate from the buildings, and potable water from the City’s water system. The Cooling Tower Make-up system instrumentation/controls include tank level measurement and control of inlet/outlet valves.
  • Cooling Tower Bleedwater Tank is waterproof and its control systems design provides electrically actuated valves to accept water from the cooling towers, recycles water to the cooling towers, and pumps it into the municipal sewer system. The Cooling Tower Bleedwater Tank system instrumentation/controls will include tank level measurement and control of inlet/outlet valves.
  • Fire Protection Water Tank is waterproof and its control system design provides electrically actuated valves to automate control of receipt of water from the CEP/Warehouse roof drains and the City’s water system.
  • The instrumentation and controls for all of the above elements are capable of communicating with the facility ‘s SCADA system.

PROGRESS: The new state-of-the-art facility opened on August 1, 2015, and the building is on track to receive LEED silver certification. For comprehensive information on the new hospital, please click here.

Wastewater Pump Stations, Auburn, MA

CLIENT: Town of Auburn, Massachusetts Department of Public Works

PROJECT: Replacement of three existing wastewater pump stations

wastewater pump station
The buildings are situated on very small sites

THE CHALLENGE: The sites were very small and restricted with high groundwater levels, and there were adjacent wetlands and private property. All three buildings were also very small and had other issues such as asbestos.

THE SOLUTION: We determined that the best course of action would be to demolish the buildings and convert the concrete dry pit that housed the pumping equipment into a wetwell for new, submersible pumps. The solution saved the Town hundreds of thousands of dollars.

wastewater pump stations
An existing building is inspected during the design phase

PROGRESS: Tata & Howard provided the project design and will be putting the project out to bid this summer. We will also provide construction administration when construction begins in the fall.

Milford Water Treatment Facility, Milford, MA


Tata & Howard provided construction administration, resident observation, and start-up services to the Milford Water Company for the construction of the Dilla Street Water Treatment Facility. The 5.2 mgd facility treats water from a combination of lake, river, and wells, utilizing dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifiers and granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. The facility will replace the existing slow-sand and diatomaceous earth (DE) treatment currently utilized to treat the existing surface and groundwater sources, respectively. The facility was required to address and satisfy an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) issued by MassDEP.

Tata & Howard also completed design and oversight of a redundant cast-in-place chlorine contact tank, and has been contracted to provide engineering services for project review and construction oversight for the installation of raw water screens on intakes of both the lake and river sources. These improvements were mandated by MassDEP as part of the approval of the Dilla Street facility design.

Capital Efficiency Plan™ including Water System Master Plan, Northampton, MA


Tata & Howard has completed a Water System Capital Efficiency Plan™ for the City of Northampton.  The plan includes a comprehensive water system master plan that evaluates the hydraulics of the system as well as critical components and asset management considerations. The hydraulic analysis included completion of fire flow testing and c-factor tests. Tata & Howard developed a hydraulic model from the City’s extensive ArcGIS database and the flow test results were used in verification. Tata & Howard reviewed recommended static pressures and Insurance Service Office recommended fire flows as well as estimated needed residential and commercial fire flows throughout the system.

The Northampton water system has wide range of ground elevations, resulting in extreme high and low static pressures in some areas. To maintain recommended system pressures, a new service zone was recommended to divide the distribution system. The recommendations included a new water storage tank, pressure reducing valves and transmission main improvements. Tata & Howard also developed additional recommended water main improvements to meet fire flow needs.

The asset management portion of the project included a detailed analysis of each segment of pipe in the water system based on age, diameter, material, pressure, soil conditions, break history, and potential water hammer. Each segment of pipe was given a numeric rating based on weighted asset criteria developed in cooperation with the City. This information was used with the hydraulic evaluation and critical component assessment to determine the prioritized improvements for the system.

Tata & Howard is also assisting the City with testing of pipes throughout the system. The work includes visual evaluation of samples and pipe strength testing. An analysis of the estimated service factor of each pipe segment will be provided to the City and used to supplement the information obtained during our asset management analysis.

DAF Water Treatment Facility Construction and Startup


Tata & Howard provided construction administration, resident observation, and start-up services to the Milford Water Company for the construction of the Dilla Street DAF Water Treatment Facility.  The 5.2 mgd facility treats water from a combination of lake, river, and wells, utilizing dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifiers and granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. The facility replaced the existing slow-sand and diatomaceous earth (DE) treatment previously utilized to treat the existing surface and groundwater sources, respectively. The facility was required to address and satisfy an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) issued by MassDEP.

Tata & Howard also completed design and oversight of a redundant cast-in-place chlorine contact tank, and has been contracted to provide engineering services for project review and construction oversight for the installation of raw water screens on intakes of both the lake and river sources.  These improvements were mandated by MassDEP as part of the approval of the Dilla Street facility design.

On-Call Water Engineering Services, Franklin, NH

FranklinNH_water treatment facility

Tata & Howard has been assisting the City of Franklin, New Hampshire with general water engineering services since 2009. The Tata & Howard team has managed several phases of work, including the design and construction of the water treatment plant and distribution system improvements.

The first phase was the design and construction of 2,500 linear feet of water main on Hill Road to connect a new water treatment plant to the City’s distribution system.  This project also involved use of four bioretention systems to treat and manage stormwater from the roadway, and was constructed in 2010.

The second phase of our work with the City included the design and construction of two parallel 2,500 LF sections of 12-inch diameter HDPE crossings beneath the Pemigewasset River using horizontal directional drilling to transport water from the City’s Franklin Falls Well to the water treatment plant site.

Tata & Howard managed the survey and geophysical studies and prepared a Preliminary Design Report and Environmental Review documents for several phases of work.  The City’s wells are surrounded by lands controlled by the US Army Corps of Engineers, which required that we complete an extensive permitting process to secure permissions for the final design of the project.

Tata & Howard completed design, construction, permitting, and funding applications for a 1,000 gallons per minute groundwater treatment plant to remove iron and manganese from three of the City’s wells. The plant has four pressure filters containing Greensand Plus media and using sodium hypochlorite for oxidation and sodium carbonate (soda ash) for pH adjustment. This plant went online July 9, 2012.

Tata & Howard provided design services for the construction of a new prestressed concrete tank at the site of an existing tank. The existing tank was in poor condition and due to the site characteristics, it was determined that construction of the new tank on the existing foundation of the old tank would be the best option.  A second tank on the site was demolished in 2013 and a new prestressed concrete tank will be constructed in its place.

Tata & Howard also conducted a full water system analysis for the City of Franklin, New Hampshire by utilizing our proprietary Capital Efficiency Plan™ methodology.  Our CEP involved creating a model of all water infrastructure in the City including sources, pump stations, treatment facilities, storage facilities, transmission, and distribution lines. Using our GIS modeling software, the system was calibrated based on fire flows in an attempt to accurately replicate the existing system. We then pinpointed deficiencies within the system based on a custom rating scale given to multiple criteria such as age, break history, material type, criticality and size. Recommendations were made for improvements in order of need. The study renewed both above ground and below ground assets. Funding for this study was in part from an Asset Management Planning Grant from NHDES.


Energy Efficiency Study, Flagstaff, AZ

FlagstaffAZ_wastewater treatment facility sign

Tata & Howard conducted an energy efficiency study on the aeration blowers and pumps at the Rio and Wildcat Hill treatment plants. The testing showed that modifications to these systems have the potential to save the City approximately $250,000 in annual electrical costs and $445,000 in APS rebate funds for the modifications. Pumping systems had efficiencies as low as 20%. Pumps and blowers were oversized to meet peak and future demands but not efficient at low flows or off peak flows. Energy usage per million gallons treated of 2,170 KWH/MG with cogeneration and 2,804 KWH/MG at the Rio plant, with national average usage of 1,750 KWH/MG.

The project included the testing of blowers and pumps at two reclaimed water plants; review of all the wells, pressure reducing valves, boosters, and splits for energy savings; further evaluation of the turbo blowers and barscreens; and an evaluation of the replacement of the biogas piping for use in cogeneration.


Abstract: In Arizona, the Arizona Public Service (APS) estimates that water systems use 1/7th of all the power used in the State. From the APS testing program, it is estimated that 60 to 70 percent of all pumps have tested below industry standards or changes in operations are needed to operate more efficient. This presentation discusses the findings associated with energy studies completed for a small water supply system (Kachina Village Improvement District) and for a large system (City of Flagstaff, Arizona). The studies show that any water and/or wastewater system, regardless of size can benefit from an energy audit. The studies resulted in significant annual savings, potential rebates from APS to offset replacement costs, high return on investments, while promoting green initiatives.



Water Distribution System Study and Capital Efficiency Plans™

Aquarion Water Company
Areas of service: Oxford, Millbury, Hingham and Hull, MA and Hampton, NH


Tata & Howard has been providing general engineering services to the Aquarion Water Company in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for the last five years.  Our work has included the design of water mains and storage tanks, new source development, replacement well designs, hydraulic studies and Capital Efficiency Plans™.

As of 2019, We have completed or are currently completing Capital Efficiency Plans™ for each of the systems in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.  Within the two states, Aquarion Water Company operates a total of approximately 430 miles of water main.  Completion of the Capital Efficiency Plans™ has provided Aquarion with a basis for improvements throughout each of the systems.  The analysis not only reviewed hydraulic considerations but included a detailed analysis of assets and critical components.  By utilizing this approach, Aquarion Water Company was able to spend money effectively on upgrades to the system.

For example, as part of a hydraulic evaluation, it was recommended that Aquarion replace the water main on Mill Road to meet fire flow requirements in the eastern part of the system.  After consideration of the age, material, and break history of the surrounding water mains, it was determined that from a capital efficiency standpoint, replacement of the water main on Pine Road would benefit Aquarion more than replacement of the water main on Mill Road.

The water main on Pine Road had reportedly experienced numerous breaks and would eventually require replacement in the near future.  Installation of the water main on Pine Road allowed the Aquarion Water Company to meet the needed fire flow requirement, eliminate a problematic water main, and reduce the overall capital cost.  All the studies included an analysis of the existing supplies versus the estimated future demands as well as storage capacity.  The Hingham/Hull Water Distribution System Study included an analysis of potential water supply sources.  Tata & Howard evaluated the potential of connecting to MWRA, buying water from Cohasset and drilling new wells within the Town.  All options included potential costs for engineering, permitting and construction.

Tata & Howard completed a storage evaluation for the Hingham and Hull water systems.  The purpose of the evaluation was to determine if the Strawberry Hill Tank was needed.  Following a tank inspection, the tank was determined to be structurally deficient and needed substantial work to improve the integrity of the elevated tank.  The Strawberry Hill Tank had a capacity of 0.51 million gallons and had an overflow elevation that was approximately 20 feet lower than the Turkey Hill Tank located in the same service area.  The water in the Strawberry Hill Tank did not fluctuate and caused concern for contaminated water.  Based on a storage evaluation and hydraulic analysis, it was determined that the Strawberry Hill Tank was not needed.  The Aquarion Water Company subsequently removed the tank from the system.