Wastewater Treatment Facility, Hopedale, MA

HopedaleMA_wastewater treatment facility disk filter

Tata & Howard has been working with the Town of Hopedale, Massachusetts for a number of years on a variety of wastewater collection and treatment projects.  When the Town received an administrative order to address copper and ammonia violations at the plant, they turned to Tata & Howard for assistance. We completed the design and construction of a Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade project which included the installation of an automated soda ash feed system and an integrated fixed film activated sludge system (IFAS). The IFAS system is an innovative biological treatment process using thousands of special carriers designed to increase total surface area for biofilm growth without expanding the plant’s footprint.  The blowers were also modified to provide better control over the aeration process.

A pilot study was conducted to test the ability of various reagents to facilitate the removal of copper from the waste stream.  An automated chemical addition system was designed to improve coagulation.  Additionally, a dynamic tangential filter was incorporated into the upgrade project.  These improvements have allowed the Town to now meet its discharge limits for ammonia and copper.

Water and Wastewater Engineering Services: Hydraulic Modeling, Facilities Plan, WRF Improvements, Goodyear, AZ


Tata & Howard provided water and wastewater engineering services associated with the update of existing water and sewer system models using InfoWater and InfoSewer computer programs; review of the impact of proposed developments and proposed extensions to the City’s systems; verification of the hydraulic models for the City of Goodyear’s water distribution and wastewater collection systems. The water model included fire flow testing, C-value tests and calibration of the InfoWater hydraulic model. The wastewater collection system model included installation of six flow monitoring stations in three sub-basins, calibration of the model, development of a cost allocation model, and preparation of a technical report.

Tata & Howard prepared a facilities plan for the Corgett Water Reclamation Facility.  The plan addressed the need for process redundancy and recommended improvements for increased flows and Class A+ effluent.  Provided ongoing support services to address operational needs and to assess the impact of new developments on the system. Provided design, bidding, construction administration, resident observation, and construction services associated with improvements to the Corgett WRF including: filter system, low lift pump station, modifications to the sand filter, and instrumentation upgrades.



Water Supply Division Sanitary Survey, Greensboro, VT

New England lake

Tata & Howard first assisted the District with responses to the Water Supply Division Sanitary Survey and then developed alternatives for the long term plan that would address all of the deficiencies and meet compliance with the Federal and State drinking water rules.

The issues were as follows:

  • Wooden roof over concrete storage tank
  • Inadequate disinfection system and metering of source
  • Inadequate system pressures at the highest points within the system
  • Water losses
  • Inadequate metering of sources of supply to the storage tank
  • Inadequate distribution piping for fire flows.

The solutions developed were as follows:

  • Design and installation of concrete precast cover on storage tank
  • Design of new building at storage tank with flow measurement and disinfection and better storage tank access for cleaning
  • Virtual abandonment of auxiliary springs and surface water emergency source
  • Design  of  water  main  replacement  to  meet  required  system  pressures  for compliance with the drinking water standards and rules
  • Locating, permitting and developing a new source of supply (well) to supplement the  existing  wells  and  virtually  eliminate  the  old  spring  sources  due  to  the potential for contamination that had occurred in the past.
  • Securing the maximum amount of grant funding available to the District at 45% with the remainder a low interest loan.

Water Supply Feasibility Study, East Burke, VT

Burke Fire District #1, East Burke, Vermont 

east burke vt mountain

Tata & Howard worked with the District and assisted them to come into compliance with the deficiencies noted in their Sanitary Survey. This District was once a private water company with numerous water quality, pressure, and supply issues and it finally was turned into a Fire District. The system has 45 connections and is on a water connection ban from the State. Tata & Howard prepared a Water Supply Feasibility Study with regards to addressing all of the systems issues, which are noted below:

  • Issues with the spring source and its spring house structure
  • Issues with inadequate system pressure at a few connections
  • No disinfection system or stand by disinfection system
  • Lack of source metering
  • Lack of source overflow metering
  • Lack of auxiliary well approval
  • Lack of system flushing hydrants
  • Lack of good water system map
  • Inadequate supply during summer months due to reduction in spring source
  • Failed coliform tests requiring disinfection

The solutions developed included the following:

  • New spring house roof and structure for disinfecting
  • Computer modeling for alternatives to address inadequate flows and pressures
  • Evaluation of the emergency well with Hoffer Consulting
  • Development of a source metering vault and system
  • Disinfection system for stand-by disinfection
  • Plan for metering the spring overflow
  • Alternatives for water system storage
  • Alternative to connection to other water system source
  • Flushing hydrants installation options

Water Supply Upgrades, Canaan, VT

Water Supply Upgrades

Canaan Fire Districts (FD) #1 and #2, Canaan, VT

canaan vt river

Tata & Howard provided engineering services associated with water supply upgrades for Canaan FD #1 & #2. These two districts are located about 1.5 miles apart, meet monthly, and have one operator. For FD#2, located in Beecher Falls, VT, Tata & Howard completed construction of a new  concrete storage tank, well upgrades, and  distribution system improvements including significant replacement of pipe. Tata & Howard was able to secure a 75% grant for the project which resulted in little impact to their water rates.

Fire District #2

FD#2 has 100 customers. The issues included inadequate system pressures, inadequate storage tank, inadequate disinfection system, and leaky pipes.

Tata & Howard developed solutions that included the following:

  • A new storage tank at an elevation that would eliminate all pressure issues
  • Distribution piping replacement and addition of hydrants of flushing and fire protection
  • Reduction in water losses allowing for reduced well pump size, resulting in lower annual power and chemical costs

Fire District #1 

FD#1 has two sources of supply. One is a large spring system located in Canada which consists of  ten springs connected together, all under the influence of surface water and the other is a high yielding well source in the town limits. The issues are inadequate spring source construction and ability to maintain, low system pressures across the State line (they provide water service to West Stewartstown, NH), inadequate flushing capabilities, inadequate distribution piping, high iron and manganese levels in well source, and inadequate storage tank.

The solutions include the following:

  • Elimination of the spring sources due to Canadian border issues and high cost for upgrading the springs and connection piping
  • Installation of filtration system to meet the standards for FE and MN
  • Construction of new larger water storage tank
  • Development of a second emergency supply
  • Improvements to distribution piping

In addition, we completed a feasibility study.

Condition Assessment of Cast Iron Water Main Samples

Advanced condition assessment of cast iron water main samples and water infrastructure provides insight into the quality and reliability of a water distribution system. The goal is to be able to efficiently and effectively run the water distribution system by allocating capital to areas of the system that are in need of rehabilitation or replacement. Tata & Howard is a leader in condition assessment methods for water distribution system pipe assets.


In 2007, Tata & Howard began extracting one foot long cast iron water main samples ranging in diameter from 6 to 12 inches as part of a cleaning and cement lining water main rehabilitation project.  Since then, we have evaluated a significant number of cast iron water main samples for several water distribution systems throughout Massachusetts and Connecticut, typically during a rehabilitation project, water main failure, or water main replacement project.

Sections are evaluated using several criteria:

  • Pipe Class Estimation Based on Remaining Wall Thickness
  • Visual Inspection
  • Pipe Crushing ANSI A21.6-13 Yields Break Load of Sample
    Samples are loaded, one at a time, onto a machine that monitors the application of load in pounds, and the load required to cause the main to break is then recorded. Additional visual inspections are also made and recorded.
  • Remaining Factor of Safety Estimation

In the past, cast iron pipe manufacturers incorporated a 2.5 minimum factor of safety (FOS) to the crushing load necessary to break a water main.  The manufacturer’s FOS can be compared to the crushing load that was measured at the materials testing facility, which then yields the estimated remaining FOS of the water main sample.

Condition assessment is beneficial in assisting a utility in the decision to rehabilitate a water main or schedule it for replacement, and in identifying asset classes that are candidates for replacement.  The visual inspection provides an assessment of the quality of the water main, which assists in properly allocating capital funds to mains that are on the verge of failure or in need of rehabilitation.


Pipe condition assessment combined with break data for New England communities allows for continued analysis of problem pipes in distribution systems.  This whitepaper outlines the research completed and the data collected to help pinpoint the next problematic pipe cohort. Read the complete whitepaper here.


Water Distribution System Study and Capital Efficiency Plans™

Aquarion Water Company
Areas of service: Oxford, Millbury, Hingham and Hull, MA and Hampton, NH


Tata & Howard has been providing general engineering services to the Aquarion Water Company in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for the last five years.  Our work has included the design of water mains and storage tanks, new source development, replacement well designs, hydraulic studies and Capital Efficiency Plans™.

As of 2019, We have completed or are currently completing Capital Efficiency Plans™ for each of the systems in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.  Within the two states, Aquarion Water Company operates a total of approximately 430 miles of water main.  Completion of the Capital Efficiency Plans™ has provided Aquarion with a basis for improvements throughout each of the systems.  The analysis not only reviewed hydraulic considerations but included a detailed analysis of assets and critical components.  By utilizing this approach, Aquarion Water Company was able to spend money effectively on upgrades to the system.

For example, as part of a hydraulic evaluation, it was recommended that Aquarion replace the water main on Mill Road to meet fire flow requirements in the eastern part of the system.  After consideration of the age, material, and break history of the surrounding water mains, it was determined that from a capital efficiency standpoint, replacement of the water main on Pine Road would benefit Aquarion more than replacement of the water main on Mill Road.

The water main on Pine Road had reportedly experienced numerous breaks and would eventually require replacement in the near future.  Installation of the water main on Pine Road allowed the Aquarion Water Company to meet the needed fire flow requirement, eliminate a problematic water main, and reduce the overall capital cost.  All the studies included an analysis of the existing supplies versus the estimated future demands as well as storage capacity.  The Hingham/Hull Water Distribution System Study included an analysis of potential water supply sources.  Tata & Howard evaluated the potential of connecting to MWRA, buying water from Cohasset and drilling new wells within the Town.  All options included potential costs for engineering, permitting and construction.

Tata & Howard completed a storage evaluation for the Hingham and Hull water systems.  The purpose of the evaluation was to determine if the Strawberry Hill Tank was needed.  Following a tank inspection, the tank was determined to be structurally deficient and needed substantial work to improve the integrity of the elevated tank.  The Strawberry Hill Tank had a capacity of 0.51 million gallons and had an overflow elevation that was approximately 20 feet lower than the Turkey Hill Tank located in the same service area.  The water in the Strawberry Hill Tank did not fluctuate and caused concern for contaminated water.  Based on a storage evaluation and hydraulic analysis, it was determined that the Strawberry Hill Tank was not needed.  The Aquarion Water Company subsequently removed the tank from the system.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades, Lyndon, VT


Tata & Howard provided evaluation, planning, funding assistance, design, and construction phase engineering services for an upgrade to the 30-year old 0.750 MGD Extended Aeration Activated Sludge Treatment facility including conversion to Anoxic/Oxic activated sludge process to allow more operations’ flexibility, reduce construction and annual O&M costs, and prepare for potential nutrient removal.  Improvements consisted of the construction of four anoxic basins and four oxic basins, replacement of clarifiers, addition of five blowers, new electrical and control building, new heating system, new influent pumps, headworks influent screen followed by grit removal, centrifuge for sludge dewatering and post sludge dry storage building for the Class A Sludge. The project was funded by a USDA Rural Development loan and grant.