Water Audit, Water Meter and Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) Evaluation, Wayland, MA

Tata & Howard, Inc. was retained by the Town of Wayland, MA to complete a water audit of the water distribution system based on data and system information for the calendar years 2013, 2014, and 2015. The project included assessing the amount of lost water using the American Water Works Association M36 water audit methods. The report estimates the volume of lost water in terms of non-revenue water, identifies potential sources of lost water, and estimates system performance indicators including the Infrastructure Leakage Index.

The AWWA water audit results found that the Town’s non-revenue water by volume was approximately 46.4% in 2013, 20.5% in 2014, and 18.5% in 2015. The associated annual costs of water lost were approximately $425,000 in 2013, $320,000 in 2014, and $398,000 in 2015. In addition, 64% of the Town’s meters are over 15 years old.

Recommendations to reduce water loss included the following: volumetrically testing master meters at multiple flow rates and performing a field to database audit of SCADA flow reported from master meters; implementation of a customer meter testing and replacement program; and documentation of unbilled and unmetered water use with the use of meters whenever possible.

To address the aging meters, Tata & Howard completed a water meter and advanced meter infrastructure (AMI) evaluation. The project included an evaluation of water meters, automatic meter reading (AMR) systems, and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) systems for the Town of Wayland’s water distribution system. The purpose of the evaluation was to compare different AMR/AMI technologies to assist in the selection of a new meter reading system to provide a recommendation for AMR/AMI technology to best suit the needs of the Town.

Following the meter evaluation, Tata & Howard provided assistance with a request for proposal (RFP) for new water meters and AMI system including specifications and proposal evaluation criteria. Tata & Howard is currently providing assistance during the implementation of the AMI system and the installation of the water meters and RF endpoints for the Town of Wayland.



Water Audit, Grafton, MA

Tata & Howard, Inc. was retained by the Town of Grafton, MA to complete a water audit of the water distribution system based on data and system information for the calendar year 2015. The project included assessing the amount of lost water using the methodology outlined in AWWA’s Water Audits and Loss Control Programs, Manual of Water Supply Practices – M36, Fourth Edition, published in 2016. The final report estimates the volume of lost water in terms of non-revenue water, identifies potential sources of lost water, and estimates system performance indicators including the Infrastructure Leakage Index.

The AWWA water audit results found that the Town had total water losses of approximately 182 million gallons in 2015 and the associated annual cost of water lost was over $312,000.  Of this, 11% is Unavoidable Annual Real Losses (UARL). Recommendations to reduce water loss include volumetrically testing master meters and performing a field to database audit of SCADA flow reported from master meters and interconnections, beginning a customer meter testing and replacement program, documenting unbilled and unmetered water use with the use of meters whenever possible, and conducting a third-party review of the leakage detection program. The estimated cost of recommended improvements to the District’s water loss control program was $20,000 for the SCADA audit and leakage detection program review, $129,000 to replace customer meters over 25 years old, and $7,000 in annual costs for establishing master meter and customer meter testing and replacement programs. Implementation of all recommendations would result in an expected ROI of less than one year.

On-Call Water Engineering Services, Franklin, NH

FranklinNH_water treatment facility

Tata & Howard has been assisting the City of Franklin, New Hampshire with general water engineering services since 2009. The Tata & Howard team has managed several phases of work, including the design and construction of the water treatment plant and distribution system improvements.

The first phase was the design and construction of 2,500 linear feet of water main on Hill Road to connect a new water treatment plant to the City’s distribution system.  This project also involved use of four bioretention systems to treat and manage stormwater from the roadway, and was constructed in 2010.

The second phase of our work with the City included the design and construction of two parallel 2,500 LF sections of 12-inch diameter HDPE crossings beneath the Pemigewasset River using horizontal directional drilling to transport water from the City’s Franklin Falls Well to the water treatment plant site.

Tata & Howard managed the survey and geophysical studies and prepared a Preliminary Design Report and Environmental Review documents for several phases of work.  The City’s wells are surrounded by lands controlled by the US Army Corps of Engineers, which required that we complete an extensive permitting process to secure permissions for the final design of the project.

Tata & Howard completed design, construction, permitting, and funding applications for a 1,000 gallons per minute groundwater treatment plant to remove iron and manganese from three of the City’s wells. The plant has four pressure filters containing Greensand Plus media and using sodium hypochlorite for oxidation and sodium carbonate (soda ash) for pH adjustment. This plant went online July 9, 2012.

Tata & Howard provided design services for the construction of a new prestressed concrete tank at the site of an existing tank. The existing tank was in poor condition and due to the site characteristics, it was determined that construction of the new tank on the existing foundation of the old tank would be the best option.  A second tank on the site was demolished in 2013 and a new prestressed concrete tank will be constructed in its place.

Tata & Howard also conducted a full water system analysis for the City of Franklin, New Hampshire by utilizing our proprietary Capital Efficiency Plan™ methodology.  Our CEP involved creating a model of all water infrastructure in the City including sources, pump stations, treatment facilities, storage facilities, transmission, and distribution lines. Using our GIS modeling software, the system was calibrated based on fire flows in an attempt to accurately replicate the existing system. We then pinpointed deficiencies within the system based on a custom rating scale given to multiple criteria such as age, break history, material type, criticality and size. Recommendations were made for improvements in order of need. The study renewed both above ground and below ground assets. Funding for this study was in part from an Asset Management Planning Grant from NHDES.


Hospital Water Audit, Framingham, MA


Tata & Howard conducted a hospital water audit for the MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham, Massachusetts. The project was divided into two phases. The first phase involved data collection and a review of all water use devices at the MetroWest Medical Center (MWMC) campus. Inventory of all items was taken over a two day period. Items were categorized by their use including: toilet, faucet, shower, cooling units, and more. Tata & Howard performed an analysis of the water and dollar savings if the older models were replaced by newer, more efficient models. This analysis did not take into consideration the usage per day of the fixtures.

The second phase of the project included a cost/benefit analysis for replacing each fixture throughout the hospital.  Usage was estimated for each fixture throughout the hospital and a payback period was calculated based on replacing the fixture with a like modeled unit that meets the EPA’s minimum water efficiency standards. A six year Prioritization Plan was then completed for the campus. Using a budget of approximately $5,000 per year, an annual savings of approximately $29,000 per year is expected upon completion of the six year plan. Savings could increase if more efficient fixtures are purchased instead of standard efficiency units. In addition to the Prioritization Plan, the MWMC was provided a spreadsheet detailing their fixtures throughout the campus which can be updated when an item is replaced.

For more information on water audits, please click here.

Service Area Improvements Study; 50-Year Population and Water Use Study; Capital Efficiency Plan™, SCCRWA


Tata & Howard provided engineering services and completed numerous studies for the South Central Regional Water Authority (SCCRWA) headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut, serving 17 Cities and Towns and serving a population of over 400,000 people. Phase 1 of the New Haven Service Area Improvements Study was completed in 2009. The purpose of the study was to determine the lowest cost set of recommended capital and operational improvements to incorporate additional service areas into the New Haven Service Area.  Our services included evaluating potential improvements to the distribution system to meet SCCRWA’s pressure, tank fluctuation, and fire flow criteria, and recommending a conceptual baseline solution, which was optimized during Phase 2 of the study.  Phase 3, which completed the study, included a Preliminary Design Report with our final recommendations.

A 50-Year Population and Water Use Study was completed for SCCRWA in 2009.  The study examined trends in water use and population growth in each of the towns and service areas served by SCCRWA and projected future water use for average day, maximum day, and maximum month demand throughout the distribution system.  The projections were completed in accordance with guidelines from the Connecticut Department of Public Health and were involved in SCCRWA’s 2009 water supply plan.

In 2008, SCCRWA purchased a water distribution system with approximately 125 miles of water mains and customers located in Ansonia, Derby and Seymour, Connecticut. Tata & Howard was contracted to complete a Capital Efficiency Plan™ of the new system. Our services included updating and verifying the existing hydraulic model, evaluating the condition of the existing distribution system infrastructure to determine the adequacy of meeting present and future demands, calculating needed storage requirements, assess and prioritizing system improvements, reviewing and evaluating typical fire flows throughout the system, creating a pipe asset management rating system, and recommending improvements to the distribution system. Following the success of this effort, Tata & Howard completed Capital Efficiency Plans for the
remainder of the distribution system in 2011 and 2012.

Water Audit, Brookline, MA

Department of Public Works, Brookline, MA

brookline water audit

Phase I of the water audit, Non-revenue Water Data Collection and Validity Review, for the City of Brookline water system collected and reviewed the validity of the system data.  The results of Phase I were used to assist in completing the water audit.

As part of Phase I, the four master meters recording the flow from the wholesale supplier were visited and visually inspected.  The meters were evaluated to determine if the operating conditions were appropriate for each meter.  It was determined that inspection and calibration of one of the meters was not completed in some time which may be the cause of the high nonrevenue water in the system.

A Data Validity score based on a preliminary review of the system data was calculated.  The score provides a level of confidence in the data provided for an audit.  As part of Phase I, recommendations were provided to increase the Data Validity score and the accuracy of the data for the next phases of the water audit.

Phase II of the Water Audit included preparation of the water audit report and evaluation of the infrastructure leakage index (ILI). The work was conducted using the guidelines outlined by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) in Water Audits and Loss Control Programs, Manual of Water Supply Practices – M36, Third Edition, published in 2009.



Water Audit, SCCRWA


A water audit was conducted according to the guidelines outlined by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) in Water Audits and Loss Control Programs, Manual of Water Supply Practices – M36, Third Edition. The data reviewed and analyzed included the volume pumped for each source, source meter errors/calibration, the volume of water imported/exported, billed and unbilled consumption, recorded leakage, main breaks, and unauthorized consumption.

Key performance indicators, including Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) and non-revenue water, were evaluated to track management of the water utility.  Based on the results of the audit, recommendations were made to improve system operation and reduce non-revenue water.  Although the RWA’s non-revenue water water rate was around 15%, the audit confirmed that the RWA’s Infrastructure Leakage Index or ILI was at industry best practice levels, confirming that apparent losses made up the majority of RWA’s water loss.

The recommendations in the audit report included verification of flows at ten production meters, where serious over-reporting of flow was identified.  As a result of this work, two of the production meters were replaced in 2013, including a 54-inch diameter venturi tube at the RWA’s main source.  The audit report also confirmed statistical analysis of customer meter testing that led to a decision to focus meter replacement work on piston-type meters while leaving older but more statistically accurate nutating disc-type meters in service for longer periods.